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Announced January 2019, the Vive Cosmos features six cameras for inside-out tracking.

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usb hub error when installing

When I try to install my Vive Cosmos there is no problem but whenever I am in "Room Setup" part, all USB ports on my computer stop working and I get " Power Overload on USB Hub Port" error. When I cut the connection of Vive Cosmos, USB ports are not working. If I restart my computer, the ports starts to work again. What am missing? What can be the problem?

Update (03/31/23)


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Update (03/31/23)


I can't see what you're saying in the power tab.

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Block Image
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Hi @ebu19425,

What is the make and model number of the PC or motherboard if a custom build?

How may other USB devices are connected to the PC and can you check how many are using the same USB Root Hub?

To check this go to Device Manager - Universal Serial Bus Controllers - click > symbol to expand the list - right click on the 1st USB Root Hub entry - Properties - Power tab.

Check how many ports are available and how much power is being used. Maximum is 500mA per hub.

Do this for all USB Root Hub entries shown in the list.

To get to Device Manager in Win10/11 press the Win key + x key (both together) and click on the Device Manager link in the options box that opens.

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Right click with the mouse on the USB Root Hub (USB3.0) listing that you have highlighted and then click on Properties.

Next click on the Power tab and check what it shows regarding how many USB ports and how much current i.e. mA is being used.

Then do the same for the other USB Root Hub (USB3.0) listed

USB 3.0 can only supply 900mA so if a root hub is showing near this then if the VR was plugged in it may exceed it so you have to rearrange which USB ports that all your USB devices - keyboard, mouse, printer other USB devices etc, are plugged into so as not to exceed the current supply rating of each the USB Root Hub.



My apologies.

I forgot that they removed that tab for USB 3.0 a little while ago.

Pity because now you can't check how much current the port is supplying.

The only thing I can suggest is to unplug some USB devices that you're not currently using and plug in the VR unit and try setting it up.

If it works OK then you know that the USB root hub was being overloaded by having too many devices attached to it.

You may have to work out how to spread the load so to speak between the two root hubs.

If it still doesn't work, especially if you have virtually no USB devices connected except maybe the mouse and keyboard it may be a driver problem or perhaps the VR unit has a problem


I suspect that my adapter is not providing enough power to my converter. Where can I find the required power specifications for the converter?


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