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Die Xbox Series S ist die aktuelle Konsole von Microsoft, die ohne Laufwerk auskommt. Sie wurde mit ihrem großen Bruder, der Xbox Series X, am 10. November 2020 veröffentlicht.

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no video output for unknown reasons

where is the hdmi encoder chip located on the xbox series s mother board? the actual hdmi port looks factory and all pins have good connection which makes me believe it's the encoder chip or something.

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its usually around the port area, the chip name will start tdp, it could actually be fine and the booster ic could be faulty

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@deathray01 it might have helped if you would have attached an image of YOUR motherboard with your Question. After all, you have it right there and it is always nice to point things out and collaborate on repairs. The only good thing (for now) is that M$oft still has the reference designators on the board. I am sure that eventually those will disappear too. Anyhow. Here is the schematic for the HDMI out circuitry. Check the components and signals and see what you come up with.

Block Image
Block Image

Those are best downloaded, so you can use your graphics viewer to zoom in etc.

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