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The Canon EOS 7D was Canon's first high end professional camera with an APS-C crop sensor.

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Why is it not reading the CF card?

My camera is not reading the CF card, we brought it to Canon service center for diagnose, I am so disappointed to think that my cam is so brand new, I am having it for 24 days and on the 27th day, I cannot use it anymore, any suggestions pls, coz it's freaking me out, It's a Canon 7D

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DO NOT attempt to repair your camera. This will VOID the warranty which is one year from date of purchase. The warranty covers parts and labor. Please allow Canon to repair your camera. They will be sure to return your camera to factory new!

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new firmware 1.2.5 fix it, or connection CF pin deformation, for repair go to service center avtorised Canon inc

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Can't format but read one CF card work on one card

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