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My laptop doesn't charge but charger it's ok

Few weeks a go my laptop stop charging due to some power supply but charger is ok and charger can charge other laptop but not my

Update (04/12/24)

My laptop charging error fixed the fault is charging ic was damaged I replaced it thanks for your answer

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It may be the charging connector that plugs into the motherboard, you can replace the part, if checking for anything blocking the connection doesn’t help. Make sure there’s no build up stuck in there first. Then it would progress to motherboard power issues.

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@kishankerai you can download the Hardware Maintenance Manual from here That will help you to work on your IdeaPad. Besides checking your charging port for proper voltage and cleaning it out, you also need to check the battery. You did not mention if your computer comes on when you connect the AC adapter. You have not told us how the battery is or if it have ever been changed. A failed battery will not take a charge.

If it does not come on and your AC adapter has the proper voltage, and your DC-In jack works properly, the issue will be on your motherboard

If it does come on with the AC adapter but does not charge, it is either a bad battery or a failure in the charging circuitry on your motherboard.

If you need to repair or check your motherboard, we will need to know the exact model of your motherboard. It is printed on the backside of the board. You an always post some good pictures of it with your Question. That way we can see what you see. Bilder zu einer vorhandenen Frage hinzufügen

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First of all, hello Kishan Kerai, to solve this problem, you should open the device manager, then open the batteries section, delete the Microsoft AC adapter and Microsoft ACPI compatible control management battery options and restart the computer. Good luck, greetings from Turkey.

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