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Kleine Kaffeevollautomaten von Melitta. Diese Anleitungen können auch bei anderen Melitta-Modellen und bei Kaffeevollautomaten von Nivona, Siemens und Miele helfen – die Modelle sind ähnlich aufgebaut.

19 Fragen Alle anzeigen

Selection button not responsive

The single cup serving button is not responsive, but the 2 cup button works ok.

Is this controlled by a micro switch?

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I did not do this repair until now, but I'm quite sure, there is a microswitch, which has to be replaced. Another possibility: replace the PCB. I found a used one for you at ebay.

Use this guide to open the Caffeo and have a look.

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The info was useful for disassembling but there is more work to do to release the front panel. It looks like the fault will be with the pcb/ display/ switch pack.

The link to the pcb/display controller on eBay do not post to the UK.



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Don't they ship to UK?

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No they don’t ship to uk.

After looking at the inside of the machine after 2.5 years use, it looks well worn so I have decided to get a new one as I think there will be other problems ahead.


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2.5 years - that's nothing! These devices live nearly forever, just like airplanes, if worn parts are replaced in time.

Another possibility: the service of Melitta itself is good and not too expensive.

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