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Das erste Huawei P smart aus dem Jahr 2018.

5 Fragen Alle anzeigen

No signal at all

Hello there

I have a huawei p smart , and i have changed 6 months ago and put on new screen and the device thingy at the back, brand new.

I keep having signal problems , i thought it was the service provider , i finnally was able to change srtvice provider,and still the problem.exists . Could you please provide any help in regards to this issue please? How to potentially fix my signal.

I really like this phone , and this is why i updated it with new sccreen and system at the back, if i vould resolve the issue with my signal would be awesome. Thank you for reading.

Waiting for your reply

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Was the phone purchased in your home country or imported? If you imported it, this is a common-ish issue even today. Back when I did this with my RAZR V3i (Euro spec, same bands as the US 2G networks but didn't use the US 3G bands so it was a 2G phone in the US; but so worth it to not have to deal with MotorolaxApple iTunes). GSM carriers will accept these (generally) but these imported phones are very much at your risk; it's not on them for checking if the Euro 3G bands were not matched to the network you use.

If the phone is country native, try to see if resetting the network settings will do the trick. Sometimes it helps, sometimes not.

If neither works, it's either due to a cellular radio failure OR your carriers are crippling it because of how it identifies, which cannot be avoided because Hauawei has a unique IMEI which gives identifies the phone to the carrier. There are ways around it but it's in a legal gray area and hard to fix if you botch.

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