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Reparaturanleitungen, Demontage und Informationen zur Fehlerdiagnose für den Sony PlayStation 5 DualSense-Controller der ersten Generation, Nachfolger der DualShock-Serie. Identifiziert durch die Modellnummer CFI-ZCT1W und das Motherboard-Modell BDM-010.

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Dualsense IFixit replacement battery capacity almost double?

I’ve owned a PS5 since launch, my Dualsense controller battery is severely degraded. I noticed that the factory battery capacity is much lower than the one iFixit offers, which I’m not complaining about but has anyone tested the capacity of the one sold by ifixit? It’s almost double than what the factory one offers.

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I just purchased the iFixIt battery to replace in my own controller, I'll update you on how it held out for me.

Update: Test it out ran from 100% till it completely came off, got a bit over 8 hours of play. This was with LED set to dim and adaptive triggers turned all the way down.

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