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Apples neues Format der 14er Reihe verfügt über ein 6,7" OLED-Display - wie das Pro Max - ansonsten aber über die gleichen Funktionen wie das iPhone 14 mit einem Zwei‑Kamera-System und dem Bionic A15 Chip mit einer 5-Kern-GPU.

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Extra part after disassembly, please help!

Hi guys,

I've taken apart my Iphone 14 Plus to put everything in a new housing. unfortunately in the process I've taken something out which I now don't know where belongs. Can anybody please help?

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Thanks a lot!

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Thanks for the input @flannelist. Some very close inspection of teardowns helped me to find the location. It's something between the speaker and the charging port part. I've attached a picture below. Phone all working now! Thanks!

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I have not worked on one of these yet. But Apple loves little bits like these. It looks like an antenna of some kind. Based on the way its shape I would wager it goes into the side of the housing somewhere, like a button flex. My first through would be the NFC antenna which is usually in the sidewall of the housing near the rear camera. But I haven’t been able to pin down the location for sure.

Here’s a pretty in depth teardown for the 14 Plus on a top down view. You might be able to find the placement based on this.


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