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This camera made by Sony that was released in February 2014. It is an 18.2 megapixel pocket sized camera with 10x optical zoom. Model Number: DSC-WX220

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I dropped the camera with the lens out

the lens is slight crooked now and wont go back in im really hoping theres a way to fix this

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@me1ia first try the ideas listed on here if those don't work, you may have to remove the lens (possibly replace it). For that use this guide Sony Cyber-shot DSC-WX220 Lens Assembly Replacement Here is the part of the service manual that deals with the DSC W220 Disassembly of the lens block. See if that will help you repairing it. If there is any damage to any of the parts, it might be difficult to obtain those. In that case you may have to replace the complete lens.

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