How does the handle come apart

I have a sock stuck in the tubing and I need to disassemble the curved handle in order to get the sock out. Can you help me please?

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I've had to replace my handle once due to a torn hose. I thought I could take the handle apart and replace just the hose, but the dang thing successfully resisted all attempts at disassembling it. Even my extensive Google-Fu wisdom was of no help, so if you do find something, I'd be interested.

I've resisted going to destructive teardown methods up to now because I harbored hopes that it could eventually be figured out, since the replacement handle I have is the wrong color so I'd like to be able to take apart the old one and rebuild it using the parts from the new one, but it's looking doubtful that will ever happen.

If you do find an answer, I'll definitely be interested in seeing it myself!


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