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Apples Flaggschiff der Spitzenklasse für 2022. Das am 16. September veröffentlichte iPhone 14 Pro Max ist mit einem 6,7 Zoll ProMotion-OLED-Display, dem neuen Bionic-A16-Chip, einem dreifachen Rückkamerasystem und 5G-Konnektivität ausgestattet. Es ist der Nachfolger des iPhone 13 Pro Max.

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iPhone 14 Pro Max restarts randomly after screen repair

Just randomly restarts every 5 or so minutes. I checked the battery connector and display connector. I did rip the front assembly connector, but I was told it would be fine without it. Just the proximity sensor wouldn’t work

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Hi Travis,

On the iPhone 14 the proximity flex cable will cause a kernel panic if the sensor on it cannot be read, which is exactly what's happening with your reboots. If you actually time the reboots, you'll find they're happening every three minutes, which is the interval in which the phone checks its sensors.

You can read all about it on the iPhone Kernel Panics wiki page here.

iPhone Kernel Panics - iFixit

The upshot is your information about the torn proximity flex cable was incorrect; your phone is going to reboot itself every three minutes from now to eternity until you replace that part. Here's what you need.

iPhone 14 Pro Max Proximity Light Sensor Replacement – Repairs Universe

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While replacing my screen the proximity light sensor ribbon cable broke. Thinking not a big deal I’ll just have a feature I can’t use. My phone would turn on work for a few minutes then freeze, give the pink screen of death and reboot. This article helped me understand what was going on and the linked replacement part was reasonably priced and arrived quickly. Thankfully the new part resolved my issue as the stores near me said the only fix was an entirely new phone.

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