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The Dell Inspiron 15-3511 is a budget laptop manufactured by Dell. This variant is powered by 10th and 11th-generation Intel processors.

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How can I fix pressure spots on my monitor?

I've just suddenly noticed a dark spot on my screen (not black, just a bit darker, like a shadow) and it's really distracting, as it's quite close to the middle of the screen. I've done some surface level research and it seems to be a pressure spot. There's also a bit of a distortion on the back of the monitor (just a few inches to the left of the dell logo, from the user perspective).

Does anyone know a way I could fix/improve the issue without having to pay for costly repairs?

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@yeahthatsfine depends what this all look like. Going by your description and not seeing it, it sounds like you most likely will have to replace the LCD.

Lets see what you got going there by posting some pictures of the damage with your question Bilder zu einer vorhandenen Frage hinzufügen

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Thanks, I probably won't bother replacing as it's fairly minor, but it's always good to check, eh?

I've added a picture, but the deformation on the back isn't visible on camera, so I haven't included that, and to be clear there's no blurriness or discolouring.


@yeahthatsfine could be on the diffuser panel. I agree. Keep using it and see what develops in a couple of days/weeks.


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okyeahthatsfinethatsokay wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

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