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The KitchenAid 5.5/6.0/7.0-quart Bowl-Lift Stand Mixers (Models: KSM55/KSM60/KSM70), including the Redesigned Premium Touchpoints model, are a series of bowl-lift stand mixers released in 2022-2023. This series of mixers replaces the myriad of previous bowl-lift stand mixer models. They feature a number of improvements including: a more robust gearbox design, a much quieter and more efficient AC motor, and the addition of a new 1/2 speed setting.

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KSM55SXTXIC Bevel Gear Replacement.

Hello, I have a KSM55SXTXIC that the gears have been chewed up on. Was wondering if yall knew where I could find a replacement. All the ones I find online aren't spiral like the one I have.

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Unfortunately, in this model, the motor and gearbox are all a single part. You will need to replace it as a whole. That being said, those are pretty hard metal gears, outside of an impact I can't think of much which could cause that damage.

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Any idea what the part number is or where to find it? I can’t seem to find that whole piece anywhere and when I look up the model number it’s like it’s non-existent


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