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This is a point-and-shoot camera created by Canon in 2011.

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Fixes for "Wrong Flash Position, Restart the camera"

I keep getting this error and It would be too expensive to send to canon. What might be malfunctioning here?

P.S. I opened the camera and cleaned it's gears on the flash and it doesn't still seem to work

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@zhyctnani seems to be a common issue with this camera try this "I managed to fix it myself by first turning off the camera and fully pushing the flash all the way down. That did not yet solve the problem. Then I did a reset as described earlier in this thread. Again, no change. Finally, I used a fingernail to pull the flash mechanism all the way up, again while the camera was off. I then turned the camera on and turned it off again, and it retracted. Now it extends and retracts as expected, and with no more errors." from here while we keep looking for a viable solution.

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