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The Lenovo V14-IIL is a laptop device for personal or business use. Released September 2021, identified by model number 82C4.

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V14-IIL things to pay attention while replacing the thermal paste

How could I replace the thermal paste in V14-IIL models? İs there anything to pay attention to? What thermal paste should I use? Is thermal grizzly kryonaut OK for this pc? Thank you.

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Hi @taedy

You may not be able to use thermal paste on the CPU.

I'm not sure as it isn't mentioned in the hardware maintenance manual for the model series, but in the parts list for the model there is a thermal pad listed. (part # 5P20S37559)

Usually thermal pads are used either on the SSD or on the CPU.

If there is a thermal pad on the CPU, then do not use thermal paste as well as they're not designed to be used together.

Go to p.51 to view the procedure to remove the fan and heat sink assembly so that you can access the CPU.

If there is no thermal pad on the CPU then here's the ifixit Wie trage ich Wärmeleitpaste am besten auf guide that may help.

As to which one is best to use, everyone has their own preferences.

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