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Dies ist die kleinere kostengünstigere Version von Samsung zehntem Galaxy Flaggschiff-Smartphone, das im Februar 2019 auf den Markt kam. Es wird mit Android 9.0 (Pie) geliefert.

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My phone isn’t turning on or charging

I tried replacing the battery but still nothing. Phone won’t turn on or even charge, even with tap to charge I get nothing.

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@thereaper58889 this "isn’t turning on or charging" and a new battery not working, sounds like a no power issue. Use these guides Samsung Galaxy S10e to work on you phone. Follow the Samsung Power On flow chart and see what you get.

Block Image

Measure the components as listed on the flowchart. Use the search function of your PDF reader to locate teh components needing to be checked, on the board. Galaxy S10e Component Layout

Let us know what you find out. If you are stuck with anything or need to know anything about the board etc. post some good images of your boards with your Question.

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I am having the same issue here; I've torn down the phone to the motherboard, but I can't figure out how to remove the metal plates covering some of the components the flowchart says to test


@wolfkid13 we would have to see the shields. Some are soldered on and some have a pressed lid on those. If they are lidded a small screwdriver is needed to pop them off.


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