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How can I safely repaste the cpu thermal paste?

I see a couple videos here: gen 7 disassembly and similar computer (x1 carbon) repaste tutorial

And I see a gen 5 tutorial here.

However, the gen 7 disassembly video doesn't go over how to repaste the thermal paste, and the x1 video isn't the gen 7 x1 yoga. And the Ifixit tutorial is for the 5th gen.

My question is, can I follow the gen 5 tutorial, or will the innards be very different? What about the x1 carbon repaste tutorial, is that fine?

Are there unique differences to this model I should be aware off?

I appreciate any help,


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Hi @tyler25367

Here's the Lenovo hardware maintenance manual for the laptop.

Go to p.63 to review the notes on Before servicing the computer and then go to the bottom of p.71 to view the procedure for how to remove the Thermal fan assembly, allowing you to refresh the thermal paste as shown on p.72

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Thank you for giving me a useful answer!


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