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Informationen zur Reparatur, Demontage und Fehlerbehebung für Apples "kleineres" Flaggschiff-Smartphone 2023, das am 22. September herauskam. Es verfügt über ein 6,1 Zoll ProMotion OLED-Display, ein 3-Linsen-Rückkamerasystem und 5G. Nachfolger des iPhone 14 Pro.

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iPhone 15pro Non-Camera Modification


I'm thinking of removing the camera from my current iphone 15 pro, cutting the back cover out of a flat sheet metal or titanium without camera protrusions and making it camera-less,

Can anyone who is a cell phone repairman etc. tell me what error do I get when I disconnect the camera from the motherboard in the iphone family and turn on the phone?

Does it give an error on the first startup and pass or does it give a system warning like camera is broken etc.?

or even worse, does it not boot at all?

Thank you.

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I would consider myself an etc. So here's my take.

Believe it or not removing the camera is probably a non- issue. You'll probably get some warnings about the camera not being present, but those can be ignored. Replacing your back panel, however might come with some less fun side effects.

  1. No flashlight or wireless charging. They're part of the back glass assembly. And without the camera, the flashlight probably won't work anyway due to the way that circuit works.
  2. Removing the back glass is highly likely to generate an issue where the phone will reboot every few minutes. There is a sensor in the flex cable on the back glass that the phone is expecting check ins from. And if they are not present, it will just reboot (hoping I assume, it will be available after the reboot). Which might make your phone much less usable.

There are probably ways around the second item if you can move the wireless charge coil and all the bits attached to that cable to the new back panel. But that can be a tricky endeavor. And in the iPhone 14 and 14 Plus, where the back panel was redesigned, the original parts are needed to prevent the loop since there is some parts pairing at play. I haven't had an opportunity to check this yet, but I would fully expect it to do this on 15 series as well.

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