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A laptop by Toshiba first in the L670 series with a 17.3 inch display. This consumer notebook was released in 2010.

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Why is my laptop overheating within small usage of time.

Why is my laptop overheating within small usage of time.

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@hannahanun could be a fan issue or could be an issue with the airflow. I suggest you disassemble your laptop and clean the fan as well as the air inlet slots etc. Since iFixit does not yet have a specific guide for that, use something like this video While you do this, make sure that your fan even comes on. Once you remove the bottom cover, turn it on and see if the fan kicks in. If not, replace the fan.

Also, consider replacing the thermal paste between the heatsink and the processor. For that use something like this guide Wie trage ich Wärmeleitpaste am besten auf Once cleaned, the fan inspected (or replaced) and new thermal paste applied, your computer should function at normal temperature again.

For as long as your computer continues to heat up, you are running a risk of damaging the processor etc. Do not use it until you got this fixed.

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