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Reparaturanleitungen und Hilfe für das Huawei Mate 9, ein Android Smartphone, welches erstmals im November 2016 erschien.

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Battery Charging Status Abnormal

How do I resolve the issue where my battery does not charge above 60% and brings a notification like Battery Charging Status Abnormal...??

Tried replacing faulty battery still not resolved tried different chargers, nothing.

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@wangumwanza the only other obvious thing to try would be to replace the sub board (daughter board) and to check the ribbon cable going from the sub board to the main board. If after replacing those you still have the same issues, then you will be looking toward a board-level repair. Huawei Mate 9 Teardown

If nothing else, take a look on here and see if that helps you after those two other things I would try first.

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it's not the battery, it's a bug in the update of EMUI software. Huawei misleading users instead of fixing it.

Backup your phone first, then downgrade to previous version software. problem will be resolved 100%. do not let the phone update automatically

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