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The Nissan Sunny is an automobile built by the Japanese automaker Nissan from 1966 to 2006. In the early 1980s, the brand changed from Datsun to Nissan in line with other models by the company. Although production of the Sunny in Japan ended in 2006, the name remains in use in China and GCC countries for a rebadged version of the Nissan Almera.

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My car is consuming a lot of fuel

What could be the problem of high fuel consumption?

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  • Faulty Oxygen Sensors
  • Dirty or Clogged Air Filter
  • Dirty or Faulty Fuel Injectors
  • Faulty Mass Air Flow Sensor
  • Fuel System issues
  • Worn Spark Plugs
  • Exhaust System Problems
  • Engine Overheating

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Many things can cause high fuel consumption, it’s generally not a quick and easy diagnosis. Anything from low tire pressure or worn out tires to your air/fuel mixture running too rich (too much fuel) or lean (too much air). It can be caused by improper alignment, dirty sensors, exhaust or intake leaks, engine misfires, and improper brakes. Further, operating conditions can cause low MPG as well; frequently accelerating very quickly, riding the brake, incorrect fuel type for the application or it can be caused by your cars computer in certain (unlikely) situations. There are other things that can cause it as well but you get the idea. If you fill in a little more info about when this started happening, the circumstances concerning your car at that time, environmental factors and any other pertinent data you can think of, I will try to help you narrow it down a bit

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