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The Honda CR-V is a compact crossover manufactured by Honda since 1995. Since It uses the Honda Civic platform in an SUV body it was called "CR-V" which stands for Comfortable Runabout Vehicle.

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Bagaimana mengatasi over heat pada mobil saya

Over heating

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Hi @adipraja

What is the year and engine size of the vehicle?

Have you checked if the coolant level in the radiator and reservoir are the correct level.

Try the following to check if the coolant pump and coolant thermostat are working OK.

Beginning with a cold engine, with the transmission in Park (AT) or Neutral (MT) and the handbrake firmly applied, start the engine.

Open the hood and then remove the radiator cap.

Once the engine warms up you should see the coolant in the radiator neck begin to swirl and expand.

If it does then this indicates that the thermostat has opened and that the pump is working. Switch off the engine as you don't want to coolant to flow out of the radiator.

If it doesn't, and the temperature gauge shows that it is overheating then it could be a faulty thermostat or pump. More likely a faulty thermostat.

Be safety aware when you do this as the engine is running!

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