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Anleitungen zur Reparatur und Fehlersuche bei der FixHub Power Series | Tragbaren Lötstation, bestehend aus Multifunktionaler Powerstation und Intelligentem Lötkolben. Erhältlich seit Mitte Oktober 2024.

11 Fragen Alle anzeigen

What is the max temperature?

How high does the temperature go? Will this be hot enough to repair game console hdmi ports that require a big heat output? I’m also curious to know if y’all will be selling a portable hot air station as well.

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And , if and/or when you do produce a portable powered hot air machine, will it be compatible with this solder station, or will it be a entirely different station that will require a complete (forced) upgrade in order to have the solder station, soldering iron and hot air all be part of the same power supply/station? I realize making it not be compatible would be the same smack in the face, passive robbery that we have come to expect from Apple, and come to expect denouncing from iFixit… but, you know, even Apple was cool af once, so, how sure can we be that this won’t be ifixit’s fall to the Dark Side? It would have been so much better to just release the portable power station/ soldering station with a hot air rework station already a part of it, and then I could happily forgo any mention of the Sith… right?


Hi @thousandsunny, good point! I can't speak to plans around specific tools, but we are really optimistic about the FixHub Power Station with 100 Watts of USB Power Delivery output as a platform for future development.


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Yes, absolutely. The max temperature is 420C or about 790F. That's plenty hot enough to do the HDMI ports. They are still a tricky repair with a soldering iron (easier with a hot air station), but it can be done. We're working on some repair kits for exactly this repair!

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