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Reparaturanleitungen, Bedienungsanleitungen und Informationen zur Fehlersuche beim FixHub Power Series | Intelligenten Lötkolben. Erhältlich ab Mitte Oktober 2024.

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Does this have a "power bank keep alive" feature?

Does the iron itself have a feature that can keep a power bank alive? Some power banks will shut down if the device does not draw enough power.

Other popular USB soldering irons can do a "power pulse", draw a bit of extra power once every few seconds, which will keep a power bank "alive".

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There is not a "power bank keep alive" function but the power station and soldering iron both utilize timers that are accessible via the menu settings. The power station timer can be disabled such that the power station will not power off regardless of the output level. You can read more about the available settings here.

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