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Repair information and component replacement guides for HP EliteBook 600 Series models.

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Wireless capability turned off

Hello my pc says wireless capability turned off and can't connect to any internet. I try switching on the burton on the keyboard and still resist

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Is this happening in Windows or the BIOS where it's shutting it down due to a possible whitelist issue? At least for now, I'm going to assume the issue happens in the OS. First, I'll boot the laptop into a Linux distro such as Ubuntu to see if it's an OS or hardware fault. If the card connects, then I know it's an issue with Windows.

Block Image

If the card shows up in Linux, get your hands on an Ethernet cable and remove the device from the device manager, then reinstall it with the driver from the HP website. Once you do that, the card should work again.

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proxi seting is off

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I believe your wireless wifi network card need to be replaced.

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james wachira wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

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