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Reparaturanleitungen, Bedienungsanleitungen und Informationen zur Fehlersuche beim FixHub Power Series | Intelligenten Lötkolben. Erhältlich ab Mitte Oktober 2024.

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Soldering iron tip storage

Is there a storage solution for the different/extra tips for fixhub soldering iron?

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I would also like a storage case for the extra tips. Currently I am using the Zipper pouch that I got with Electronics Cleaning Bundle. But the extra tips are still in the "retail" packaging to prevent any damage to them. I would like something like a "chef's knifes rolling case" for them

Certa Cito


i have a basic tip storage that holds 3 tips i can share if you can find someone to print it for you? it just sits on top of the battery


@econut Thanks for the offer!

That would be great :-)


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@leeperry67874 , we're working on something like this. In the meantime, maybe you might consider making a 3D printed option?

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Unfortunately I don't own a 3d printer, but does a Hakko B2756 Soldering Tip Holder/stand work or is compatible with the FixHub Soldering Iron Tips for storage? or fit in the ifixit Zipper Pouch?


@leeperry6376, I totally understand. You might also want to check with your local library to see if they have a Maker Space. Some libraries offer these spaces equipped with 3D printers, which could be helpful. It’s worth looking into.

As for the compatibility of the Hakko Soldering Tip Holder with the FixHub tips, I can’t say for sure. They might fit in the pouch, but that will likely depend on your preference and setup.


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