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Anleitungen zur Reparatur und Fehlersuche bei der FixHub Power Series | Tragbaren Lötstation, bestehend aus Multifunktionaler Powerstation und Intelligentem Lötkolben. Erhältlich ab Mitte Oktober 2024.

11 Fragen Alle anzeigen

Soldering tip not recognized when powering on the iron

Dear all,

my hub is running on firmware 1.06 it starts up normally and recognizes the tip in the iron:

When I switch the iron itself on, the hubs suddenly says that there is no tip connected.

Switching the hub off and on again leaving the iron in the same port shows the same error.

When I plug the iron to the other port and cycle power of the hub, it works until the next restart of the hub.

I already tried another tip but that didn´s solve the problem:

Do you have any idea what to do?

Best regards


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Hey there Andreas, is this iFixit's Soldering Iron or a different brand of soldering iron?


Hi Jacob,

it is the new iFixit iron.


@karapiepenbrink Any thoughts on this one?


Hi Andreas, have you tried setting the soldering iron switch to ON before connecting it?

Another solution or workaround you can try is to hot swap ports with the iron switch on.

Pull the plug on the iron (especially if there is a blinking fault indicator) while it is powered up, and plug it into the other port on the Portable Power Station. You can also try entering into the settings mode and then exiting it when you do this.



Hi Kara,

yes, when I change the port of the iron while beeing in the settings it works. Without beeing in the settings the iron does not get recognized on the other port.

It really looks like a software problem.

By the way... When i Connect the iron as a 'normal' USB device (eg by using a USB Ampere and Volt meter, there is now problem at all. Again... i think it´s a software problem.


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The update to firmware 1.07 (which is available again) seems to have solved the problem.

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Sorry to say that the propblem isn´t gone.

That rerally !#^&@! me off!


We're actively working on a solution and will have it ready for you as soon as possible.


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