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A mini tablet computer designed by Blackberry and manufactured by Quanta Computer in 2011. Model number RDJ21WW.

20 Fragen Alle anzeigen

I bought a new glass how do I replace it

I crack the glass on my black berry play book and o have a new one. How do i replace it.

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you can follow the easy step by step instructions here:

BlackBerry PlayBook Teardown

If you need further assistance please feel free to ask :)

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Please be aware that our teardowns should not be used as disassembly instructions. They should only be used as reference and not step-by-step instructions. But as Gary said, please feel free to ask for any assistance. We'll be more than glad to help out.


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how do I reattach the left microphone cable after I peal it off ? It does not stick back on, it has no adhesion to it...

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3m tape double side


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james dvorak wird auf ewig dankbar sein.

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