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Mid 2010 Modell A1278 / 2,4 oder 2,66 GHz Core 2 Duo Prozessor

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Screen/Computer Freezes when Pressure is put near Battery connector

Hi All,

If I pick up my computer on the bottom left corner with the screen open, the screen freezes and either turns completely gray, or turns mixed colors like when a magnet gets near a computer screen. Flickering with lots of different colors. Is the battery shot? Logic board shot?

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I have got the same problem with my mac book pro. Screen freezes or turns one colour when I put pressure on the bottom area of the mac where the Logic board is. It sometimes happens too when it heats up or when it is overpowered by powerful software. Not sure which exactly. But anyway mac still heats up when powerful applications are used.

Could you please tell me what solved your problem?



I have this same problem. However, I have swapped out a few batteries and the problem does not go away... As it goes away when no battery is in the computer I am at a complete loss for what is wrong...


I have the same problem with my MacBook pro 13, I opened it an worked with it without the bottom case and worked fine. I noticed that when I put little pressure on the logic board it flickers and freezes, so I think I need to inspect the logic board with a magnifying glass in order to find an unsoldered component that causes false contact.

Jesus Garcia, March 18, 2015


Same problem on 2012 13 inch macbook pro. I think it is a bad solder joint on the ram slots. When I turn it on without the back on and press on where the ram connects to the motherboard, the screen glitches and the whole computer freezes.


i have the same problem , does anyone has a solotion?


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7 Antworten

Gewählte Lösung

I believe you may have a cracked battery. I had a MacBookAir that acted strangely and that's what it turned out to be.. someone squeezed their laptop on top of mine in an overhead bin before I coud get them to stop. It acted ok unless the case was torqued.

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If your problem is not the battery it could be the CPU heat exchanger/fan as those components rest on that side of the logic board. FWIW you should not be picking up or flexing a running laptop. A portible laptop is not a iPhone or an iPad. It is/was not designed to be held in your hands as youwalked around. Portable meant small enough to move from fixed location to fixed location... So as a workaround solution stop picking up and moving running laptops.


this seems correct. i took out the battery and when putting pressure where before cause it to freeze, it is now fine when plugged into the power only. i will buy a new battery and hopefully it works.


If the battery is not the issue as per ZZZ check the RAM slots.


The problem is the bottom RAM slot, it probably has a bad soldered tip from the module that makes the computer fail when overheats. I removed the memory RAM from the bottom and has been working good, problem has stopped. Good luck.


Ya my Acer Aspire V5-561P had the same problem it turns out my ram was loose all I had to do was unplug it and tighten it and it back to new


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Hilfreichste Antwort

Bottom RAM slot is BGA, top RAM slot is through hole. Remove RAM from BGA soldered slot and see if it works.

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You are a genius, my friend. I posted a comment in response to the first post in this thread about the ram glitching. I did as you suggested and everything works just like it did before when I only have the top ram slot filled. No fix because my warranty is up, but I'll just get an 8 gig stick to put in that top slot and everything will be as good as new.


Yep. Not the battery! Why that is accepted answer is beyond me, people will be replacing batteries for nothing and iFixit RMA department will be working overtime on that one. Just max out the working slot, replacing BGA RAM slots is not something we do to $300 motherboards.


i am not a tech geek here and i noticed that the helpful answer maybe the possible right solution, is it possible to elaborate the RAM solution.

thank you


If you three read the OP's answer in that case the chosen answer worked. Others with similar problems found the RAM to be the problem.


this is indeed the solution but nonetheless shame on Apple who has not a repair program on this issue


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I believe is is the flexibility in the top case pushing the RAM off it's slot. The battery screw slots often break off, contributing to the flexibility. Missing or loose screws especially in the bottom case will also allow more flexing. Tighten everything, if you can't anchor the battery, shim it to keep it from moving when flexed.

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battery is not the problem. My battery was damaged ,nd i replaced with a new one but the problem still persists...i think itz RAM problem,bcoz on lifting from the left side only the screen freezes. and the RAM on my system is placed on the same side

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I had that exact problem where my MacBook Pro mid 2011 crashes and freezes and i found a solution where you have to leave it off for like 30-35 Minutes. I hope this solved your problem.

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old threat but I found that replacing ram fix the issue not sure if the way the ram is, if its thicker or that it just sits badly. I tried to swapping them but the only the way to fix it was by replacing the ram with a different ram. hope this help

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What RAM did you use to upgrade your computer, and what model laptop do you have? I am looking to upgrade and hoping your simple solution will work for me as well


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I have the similar issue on my macbook air 2011, a1370. When the battery connector is plugging out, my macbook is running well. When the battery is plugging in, flickering and freezing and then restarting always. Now, I am running my old macbook air without battery :)

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