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30 Kommentare

Looking good so far.. will there be a written breakdown?

Also i would love to see more attention on the gimbal.. I have been reading a lot on the forums and reddit, and so far, most accidents result in gimbal damage of some sort.

I'd love to see some repair guides or a more detailed teardown of the gimble, ribbon cables going into it, and video cables going into it.

Jason Elmore - Antwort

That would be great right about now. Everything works just fine but plastic piece holding gimbal to board snapped. Glue? Gimbal works great just hangs by wire

mark -

3rd flight and my gimbal already tore off after bumping into a small bush and falling 4 feet to the ground. The number one repair will most likely be that flimsy gimbal.

John - Antwort

Please also show where the two antennas end and how the motors are mount to the arms.

Amadeus - Antwort

And explode that camera too, wanna see why they align that sensor wrong

Sumi - Antwort

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