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30 Kommentare

Looking good so far.. will there be a written breakdown?

Also i would love to see more attention on the gimbal.. I have been reading a lot on the forums and reddit, and so far, most accidents result in gimbal damage of some sort.

I'd love to see some repair guides or a more detailed teardown of the gimble, ribbon cables going into it, and video cables going into it.

Jason Elmore - Antwort

That would be great right about now. Everything works just fine but plastic piece holding gimbal to board snapped. Glue? Gimbal works great just hangs by wire

mark -

3rd flight and my gimbal already tore off after bumping into a small bush and falling 4 feet to the ground. The number one repair will most likely be that flimsy gimbal.

John - Antwort

Please also show where the two antennas end and how the motors are mount to the arms.

Amadeus - Antwort

And explode that camera too, wanna see why they align that sensor wrong

Sumi - Antwort

gimbal mount is broken... what do i do??????? ASAP!!!

Jason Baudin - Antwort

Most gimbal issues are the gimbal getting knocked loose. Sometimes a wire or ribbon candle might be damaged and sometimes the ribbon cables just becomes unplugged.

Start with the easy fix first and make sure it wasn't just knocked out of the absorption pads from a crash impact.

You can see how to check this and out it back in this DJI Support video.


You can see in the tear down with the mavic flat on its back the two ribbon cables that snap into place. Hopefully the ribbon cable didn't tear and you can just make sure it's plugged back in firmly.

I hope this helps,


ScottJD -

I'm also curious about the antenna location. Are the front legs housing antennas?

phil - Antwort

Yes they are

duncanp64 -

My crash today caused my front leg to fold back into my rear propellar that almost grinded my antenna arm off! Any chance you sell new antenna arms?

duncanp64 -

Gimbal mount is broken...what should we do?

Iveta Martin - Antwort

My third flight out ended in tragedy. In tripod mode from ten feet up, I tangled with a small limb that didn't register on the sensors. It was moving so slow I really expected it to recover. It tumbled to the ground. The back right arm was completely snapped off breaking two pieces of the main housing and the arm. Additionally the motor snapped off the other end of the arm.

I just stuck it back in the box and didn't look at it for two weeks. Has anyone successfully ordered parts from DJI?

johnjstaples - Antwort

DJI isn't selling parts, I hope they will eventuraly. For now some arms have showed up on eBay.

I've even seen a video of someone who ordered an eBay arm and showed how to replace the arm like this one:




ScottJD -

Agree, more details on the gimbal please.

Ben d'Anvers - Antwort

I need the gimbal and complete camera, they can help me

luis covarrubia - Antwort

Hello I need to know the name of the metal cable of the camera mavic pro not the ribbon flex to the gimbal motors thanks email me please alejandrodo@gmail.com

Alejandro Bravo - Antwort

I need the same information too. What the name of the metal cable and where can I found it titof89@gmail.com

Christopher Benoit -

Please I need the same metal cable , help me with the information mantovaninz@outlook.com

Renan - Antwort

Dear IFIXIT staff, any chance you'll make more videos or tutorial about parts' replacements, such as arms/legs? Tks

mmancioli - Antwort

metal cable at ebay...

frogaki - Antwort

I need the camera lens, not the gimbal. There is moisture in my lens. Just the front part. Can you help me?

sendchad - Antwort

sendchad@gmail.com if you can get the camera, even maybe a second hand one if you dont have new ones

sendchad - Antwort

I'm struggling to get the top lid of in order to access the gimbal plate (which cracked).

I've made it through the back of the drone's top lid, but the sides of the front and the front it self is stuck, and I have already bent a bit of the plastic trying to pop it up. Any advice, or suggestions for what kind of tool would be suitable for this operation?

- Hal

Hallvar Hauge Johnsen - Antwort

You know those plates on the bottoms of where the front legs fold out? The little gray ones? If you unscrew and remove those, you can reach some screws that keep the front legs on, and more relevantly, screws that keep the top on. I got my whole top up and replaced with the little blue pry-thingy sold from this site.

A guy walked me through getting the top off here: http://mavicpilots.com/threads/mavics-re...

He showed me videos, tool recommendations and everything.

Eric States -

Did anybody had an issue with esc status error after crash and managed to fix it? In my case it looks like all motors are OK - moving on startup, but DJI GO app is telling that dron is unable to take off due to esc status error.

Dmitry - Antwort

A fun two and a half minute overview. Thanks!

Mike Russell - Antwort

Tks mate,

very usefull

Manneken Pis - Antwort

How about Mavic Pro Platinum? Not many differences compared to the Mavic Pro but still…

Magar Magarovich - Antwort

Is there really only 6 screws holding the top shell on? Those 6 are all in the rear 2/3 of the body and the front is being stubborn leading me to think there are at least 2 more somewhere. I will search the web for more and post if I find or get it.

Jim Wright [Miller, Bob MS] - Antwort

Well, I got the Wi-Fi module installed on my M1P. Was a real pain in the (you-know-what), but I got it done. Had to (gently) remove the LED window in order to access the area so I could re-route the ribbon cable and the antenna connections. Didn't have any conductive grease (the silver 'goop'), so I had to be careful when handling it, since I didn't remove what was already on there.

Your instructions helped, but could have been a LOT more detailed (like, maybe make a detailed video of it sometime), but weren't detailed ENOUGH.

Mike Belanger - Antwort

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