Und wieder ist die Zeit gekommen: das MacBook Air ist aus dem Winterschlaf erwacht und begrüßt den Frühling mit ein paar technischen Neuerungen.
Apple versprach uns am Montag auf dem "Spring Forward"-Event Broadwell CPUs der neuen Generation mit verbesserter Grafik, Thunderbolt 2 und schnellerem Flash-Speicher. Sei dabei, wenn wir den Vorhang öffnen, um das zu überprüfen und schaue mit uns nach, was sich in den letzten elf Monaten geändert hat.
Auch das 11" MacBook Air ist aufgefrischt worden, also haben wir doppelte Teardown-Schicht. Hier findest du das 11" Air.
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Was du brauchst
Riechst du es? Es duftet nach frischem Silizium. Das MacBook Air 13" Anfang 2015 enthält:
Den Intel Dual-Core i5 Prozessor der 5. Generation mit Intel HD Graphics 6000
128 GB Flash-Speicher (wahlweise bis 512 GB)
4 GB LPDDR3 RAM, konfigurierbar (aber nicht aufrüstbar) bis 8 GB
13,3" 1440x900 Pixel Display (~128 ppi)
802.11ac Wi-Fi
Thunderbolt 2
In diesem Schritt verwendetes Werkzeug:P5 Pentalobe Screwdriver Retina MacBook Pro and Air$11.99
Dieses ganz neue 13" Air behält die bisherige Modellnummer A1466. Um es genau zu identifizieren, brauchst du die Seriennummer EMC (2925), oder das Modelljahr (2015).
Auf der rechten Seite befinden sich der SDXC Einschub, der USB 3.0 Anschluss und der (ganz neue!) Thunderbolt 2 Anschluss. An der gegenüberliegenden Seite ist wie zuvor der MagSafe 2 Versorgungsanschluss, die Kopfhörerbuchse und ein weiterer USB 3.0 Anschluss. Dabei ist auch ein Doppelmikrofon, entwickelt um Hintergrundgeräusche zu unterdrücken.
Ahh, mein alter Erzfeind Pentalobe.
Apple ist stur geblieben — die klassische Pentalobe hält den Durchschnittsbastler vom Inneren des Air fern.
Zum Glück haben wir genau dafür einen nützlichen Schraubendreher. Und schon... sind wir drin!
Eines davon ist das neue Anfang 2015 erscheinende MacBook Air, das andere stammt von Mitte 2013. Kannst du sagen, welches welches ist?
Auf den ersten Blick können wir das auch nicht. Dieses MacBook hält seine AirPort-Karten ziemlich gut bedeckt.
Verzweifle nicht, wenn du daneben lagst: wir werden die wesentlichen Unterschiede genau zeigen.
Auf zu unserer Lieblingsbeschäftigung am Air: dem Ausbau des Akkus. Dank dieses ordentlichen Kunstoffrahmens wird der Akku von fünf Schrauben festgehalten und nicht von Klebstoff— leicht zu reparieren, leicht zu recyceln.
Auch die technischen Daten des Akkus bleiben erhalten: das Air tritt weiterhin mit einem 7,6 V, 54 Wh, 7150 mAh Akku an. Dank der neuen Broadwell Chips vermuten wir bei gleicher Kapazität eine höhere Akkulaufzeit: jetzt bis zu 12 Stunden Surfen im Web oder Videowiedergabe.
Für alle Zahlenliebhaber: das sind 2 Wh und theoretisch eine Stunde mehr als der neue Dell XPS 13.
Did anyone ever try to put a battery from one of the newer MBA models into (for example) a 2012 model? If only the capacity has changed, it shouldn't be a problem to put it and get an extended battery time or am I missing something?
Der Flash-Speicher ist nach wie vor PCIe-basiert und bleibt glücklicherweise - zumindest vorerst - austauschbar. Wir holen ihn für eine nähere Inspektion heraus und finden folgendes:
Samsung S4LN058A01 PCIe 3.0 x4 AHCI Flashkontroller
Samsung K4E4E324ED 512 MB LPDDR3 DRAM
8 x Samsung K9LDGY8S1D-XCK0 16 GB Flashspeicher (128 GB insgesamt)
Apple erzählt uns, dass dieser Bad Boy "...über einen schnelleren Flash-Speicher verfügt, der bis zu zwei Mal schneller ist als die vorherige Generation".
Is this the same size as the mbp retina? looks like it is.
is the pci ssd slot same as of mba 2015. can i swap 2014 ssd with 2015 one. i am planning to buy a new ssd for my 2014 mba
It'd be good to know if the new PCIe SSD is compatible with last year's model so I can upgrade my MBA as well.
Huy Pham -
Hi, im wondering if Samsung SM961 M.2 2280 256 GB PCIe NVMe (MZVPW256HEGL-00000) will fix in to this macbook air 2016?
Same question. But it seems the slot is different. Now 2018.05, there is a Transcent serial meets.
Wenn die schweren Teile entfernt sind, fangen wir das Logic Board auf, bevor es davon schwimmt. Wir drehen es um und finden das Herzstück von dem Ganzen:
1.6 GHz Intel Core i5 5250U Prozessor mit integrierter Intel HD Grafik 6000
Intel DSL5520 Thunderbolt 2 Kontroller
GL3219 Genesys Logic SDXC Kontroller
LT3957 Linear Technologies invertierender Kontroller
Im Gegensatz dazu bringt die integrierte Intel HD Graphics 6000 eine echte Leistungssteigerung der Grafikleistung (etwa 20 - 25% mehr gegenüber HD 5000).
Auf der anderen Seite des Logic Boards befinden sich:
SK Hynix H9CCNNN8JTALAR LPDDR3 SDRAM 4 x 1 GB für insgesamt 4 GB
Broadcom BCM15700A2, ist wohl ein Multimedia Kontroller.
SK Hynix H5TC4G63CFR 4 Gb low power synchron DRAM
Macronix MX25L6473E serieller multi I/O 64 Mb Flashspeicher
Texas Instruments TPS51980A synchrone Leistungssteuerung
Texas Instruments/Stellaris LM4FS1EH SMC Kontroller
Intersil 958 26AHRZ N450MT und SMSC EMC1704-2 Strom/DC Leistungssensor mit Temperaturüberwachung
so the 4 GB model works actually with 8GB of RAM? 4 regular and 4 low power like the smartphones?
Review about nothing. The author did not indicate that there are models with an I7 processor and 8 Gb of memory. This is important because these models are relevant even now - they process all modern applications no worse than modern models. At a much lower cost. This is important - 8 GB of RAM because it is rsamayan and you cannot increase it, unlike an SSD drive, it can be replaced. I specifically buy motherboards with 8GB of memory on ebay to restore my clients' macbooks so that they do not pay extra money for a new macbook ....))
Sorry for my google-translate English, I’m from Ukraine ;)
Der Trend zur Gleichartigkeit setzt sich fort, und das I/O Board ist fast identisch mit dem des MacBook Air 13" Mid 2013, bis hin zum Audio Codec IC:
Cirrus Logic 4208-CRZ HD Audio Codec, wahrscheinlich ähnlich wie das 4207
Only rMBP received the touchpad update. It would make very little sense for Apple to update it on the Air as well given that the gap to rMBP is already so small.
so, should we all get BB's because they've always had excellent hardware?
...or should we stay the !&&* away because they're OS is so crappy, they're not even smartphones: they're just really expensive, high quality regular phones with kick-butt cameras (sorry I owned one, .. well two actually, and pretty much never was able to get on the internet. Now... well for get it: BlackBerries are great, don't get one; may they experience a tenth of the trouble they caused me and my business. Well that's being a little too harsh, A SIXTEENTH :( !
Howard -
MacBook Air 13" Anfang 2015 Reparaturbewertung: 4 von 10 (10 ist am leichtesten zu reparieren).
Wenn du es geschafft hast, den Bodendeckel abzulösen, kannst du alle Bauteile recht einfach austauschen.
Proprietäre Schrauben erfordern den richtigen Schraubendreher.
Alle Bauteile - inklusive RAM und SSD - sind proprietär.
Wie bei den vorherigen Generationen ist auch bei diesem MacBook Air der größte Kritikpunkt die fehlende Aufrüstbarkeit. Der RAM ist immer noch auf das Logic Board gelötet und SSDs sind zwischen den Generationen nicht kompatibel.
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36 Kommentare
Question. What does this line mean: "SSDs are not compatible between generations."
What I want to know is if the hard drive is upgradeable or not.
The ssd is the harddrive, which according to the guide is removable but it is proprietary and is not available aftermarket so effectively not upgradeable.
General question: outside the issue of this helpful guide, does this development seem to make the MacBook Pro/ MacBook Air distinction look forward to be coming soon to be irrelevant? with this sleekness, lightweighness enterprize...
Also, what's up with the lack of plugs? I don't really like or need to plug things in, ..er, ugh, EXCEPT ALWAYS! are we now going to be carrying a "Swiss Army Knife of adaptors and split adaptors (split between whatever plug and the regular need to 'charge' or run off a/c power so later we don't run out of charge.. such a development would certainly makes the cleanness effort superfluous. I mean they do still have their Pads or Tablets or whatever they are right?
Lets take a vote: How many people think the missing plugs are great:
Corollary question: which plug do you miss the most (all of them is an acceptable answer)
one additionally helpful feature here: I wind up learning more about the product itself here than from all the apple advert has,
I have a late 2013 retina MacBook Pro 13" (Haswell, first Pro to have a PCIe SSD). I'm considering replacing my old Air with a new Air and these new blazing fast SSDs sound really awesome. Are the PCIe SSDs in the 2015 Airs compatible with the 2013 rMBP? I'd probably get the same capacity and swap SSDs to give the more powerful machine a faster SSD..
Hi there. I have a A1466 with no display. But it works perfectly with external monitor. It should not be the screen problem as I saw the screen works once. So I guess it may be the video cable or something. Any one know which part may go wrong? Regards.
Had the same problem. Check the display connector. The plastic tab that's attached to the plug gets hot touching the screen voltage pins and may melt onto the connector. Clean the plug & circuit board jack well but gently with 99% alcohol and Q-tip or light brush. My screen came back to life. Good luck.
davige -
MacBook AIR does have a fan? I never knew that!!
Yeah it has to have a fan it’s called the air, it has to take off somehow. xD
ahora mismo voy y lo desmonto, que ganas... y quito la ram soldada y sueldo otra mucho mas grande y rapida ala!!! a mi me la van a colar...menudo soy yo,,,, no podreis conmigo capitalistas de appleeeeeeeeee
Why does it has a Samsung chip inside?
Apple uses some Samsung parts. I believe the CPU in the iPhones are Samsung with Apple tweaking them.
My screen was hit on my early 2015 13 inch MacBook Air it is mostly multi color plaid. I️ need to replace the entire display. I️ need to know the exact part number to order. We have the tools from fixing my iPhone and my husband can replace the complete display. Please help with the exact part number needed.
Any idea what this screw is for. It was rattling around my MacBook Air, https://imgur.com/gallery/hkYIK
So there really is now way to take out the keyboard? I want to clean under the keys but I really don’t want to break the keys and attachments.
where can I buy the little small parts if I need them?
i just found this page and got question?
I have Mac Air 13-inch, early 2015, with 8GB DDR3.
Any chance to upgrade to 16 or more?
A question mark is probably a HardDisk error or the OS(operating system) is not proper installed.
Hence the quesrion mark (?) Ir simply means mac machine can't see a proper operating system or Hard disk.
Go from there! Good luck
RAM is not upgradable. They are soldered. Unless you're highly technical and have soldering skills.
Fuu Raa -
Hi Guys,
I need some help to repair my macbook Air early 2015, The macbook show folder with question mark, I try to recovery but failed, and then I tried to use USB bootable, and can access the disc utility, in the disc utilty I did not see the ssd. Please advise how to fix the problem. any way I am from Indonesia.
Thank you In adavance.
It basically means that that your device is failing to boot. Its either a problem with the OS or your SSD. You may try to contact apple support to check if they have another way to test your SSD. Otherwise, you may try to use a different storage device. Someone from this thread mentioned they upgraded to 1TB which means its possible to reinstall Mac OS from a fresh drive.
Fuu Raa -
good morning, i have a model A1369 that the motherboard works and it works clear but the housing is already old crumpled, with ugly keyboard and marked screen. has a friend of mine who has this model A1466 but the motherboard doesn't work and i would like to know if i can pass my motherboard on his Mac?
Can u elaborate on what U meant while saying that the ssd is configurable to 512gb but not upgradable.
What does configurable mean? How is it different from upgradable ssd?
What apple means is that you can order an upgrade with them on the onset of your purchase since they will change the soldered components into the one that you ordered especially with RAM. Since DIMMs are soldered, there are no chances to upgrade afterwards.
Fuu Raa -
Review about nothing. The author did not indicate that there are models with an I7 processor and 8 Gb of memory. This is important because these models are relevant even now - they process all modern applications no worse than modern models. At a much lower cost. This is important - 8 GB of RAM because it is rsamayan and you cannot increase it, unlike an SSD drive, it can be replaced. I specifically buy motherboards with 8GB of memory on ebay to restore my clients' macbooks so that they do not pay extra money for a new macbook ....))
Can you link some ressources please?
Chris -
hd is upgradable,upgraded mine to 1 terrabyte
How'd you install the OS then? Through OS recovery and connect via network?
Fuu Raa -
Why do the teardowns never go as far as the keyboard? I have a replacement keyboard that I need to install- any resources on how to do that for this model?
The keyboard on this model is mounted on rivets. You can tear it off with a sharp movement. In this case, some of the rivets will fall out. You can then screw screws into the vacated holes to secure the keyboard. Although the right thing to do is to drill out all the rivets that have not fallen out to secure the keyboard more securely. But sometimes the existing screw holes are enough. Screws can be used from model A1278, they are commercially available.
Yur -
how to configure to 8GB RAM? you have a part number SK Hynix LPDDR3 SDRAM 4 x 2 GB for 8 GB total ? I will repair it in my macbook
Aleex PWTKLC - Antwort