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The Doorbell Sound is Weak or Not Working
The Nest Hello’s chime sounds weak, is barely audible, or has stopped working completely.
Unplugged Power Adapter
Check the breaker or power outlet. Make sure your Hello is plugged in and/or the breaker is not tripped.
Overheating or Freezing
If there have been extreme temperatures, or you have placed your Hello in a sunny spot. The device may have shut down to protect its internal electronics. As soon as the internal temperature has returned to normal the Hello should function again.
Incorrect Settings
Check Chime Settings on the Nest App. Make sure that your settings are not preventing your doorbell to chime. To check, go to your settings on the app and see if quiet time is turned on. If it’s is click it to turn it on or off.
Faulty or Blocked Chime
If the doorbell has a mechanical chime first make sure that the option for come duration is off on the app.
- Remove the chime’s cover.
- Press the Hello’s button to check if the chime’s cover was interfering with the sound.
- If the sound is better while the cover is off bend and tape the internal wires away for the mechanism and test the doorbell again after putting the cover back on.
- If the chime is still not sounding, while the cover is off, have another person ring the doorbell to see if any parts or wires are blocking the chime’s movement.
- Make sure that the wires are fully connected to the chime from the Nest Hello. Re-tighten the connection screws.
- Check each wire for dirt build-up or corrosion. If there is, cut off the affected length and strip the wire cover to expose fresh wire.
- Make sure that all exposed wires are not touching each other.
- Make sure all of the wiring is done correctly to the Nest’s app’s instructions.
For Electronic Chimes;
- Make sure all exposed wires are not touching each other.
- Check that all wiring is correct from the Nest Hello to the chime box.
- Make sure all wire connections are complete and re-tighten the connection screws.
Faulty Wiring
It is possible the wiring has come loose. Remove the base-plate by pushing in the tab on the bottom back of the Hello.
- Re-tighten all of the connection screws.
- Test the chime by pressing the Hello’s button.
Notifications Not Being Sent from the Nest Hello
Notifications are not being sent from the Nest Hello or are unable to be received by your smartphone.
Not Signed into the App
Double-check that you are signed into your own account on the Nest app because updates or alternate users signing in using the Nest app on your device can result in a loss of communication between your Nest Hello and yourself.
Nest Hello is Not Connected
- Make sure that your Nest Hello shows up on the homepage of the Nest app. If you don’t see your Hello listed, then it is offline. Check that your Nest Hello is plugged in and is turned on.
- Reset Your Nest Hello by turning it off and waiting several seconds before turning the Hello back on again.
- Reset your Wi-Fi router by unplugging your router from its power source and wait thirty seconds before plugging your router back in.
- Check your Wi-Fi and mobile data and reconnect to your Nest Hello.
Incorrect Settings
- Check the Nest app settings to make sure that you have enabled notifications from your device.
- Make sure in your phone’s general settings that notifications are not blocked from the Nest app.
Delayed Doorbell Ring on Smartphone
If the door rings but the Nest doesn't immediately notify you and it takes time for you to get the notification.
Nest Hello Requires a Restart
- Reset your Nest Hello by turning off the Hello for several seconds and then turn it back on.
- If that does not work go to your settings on the app and reset your Nest Hello to its default settings.
Bad Wi-Fi Connection
- Reset your router by unplugging your router from its power source and wait thirty seconds before plugging your router back in.
- Disable any network extenders you might have.
- Disconnect any other devices connected to your Wi-Fi network to reduce network congestion.
Video Distorted or Black on Smartphone
The video from the camera is black or distorted on your smartphone, and it's not believed to be related to Wi-Fi. Try looking at these things to help fix your distorted or black.
Dirty Lens
- Look to see if there is a lens sticker still on the camera, if there remove of the sticker.
- Try cleaning the lens with a soft cloth so that there is no dirt or marks on the lens.
Incorrect Settings
- Check if your night vision mode is set to always on if so, go to the settings and change it to the auto setting.
Bad Positioning
- If your video has a glare move the Nest Hello to a position where it never gets any direct sunlight or has a reflection of the sun shining directly on it.
- If you still have a glare, go onto the Nest app and zoom and enhance the camera's field of view so that it can cut out any objects that might be reflecting light onto it.
- Only use outdoor cameras outside in order to prevent damage by extreme cold or extreme heat.
- Make sure you have placed your Hello in a shady spot to prevent overheating.
If none of these steps fix your issue, you may need to consider camera replacement.
Video Pauses or Skips
If the video feed on your Nest Hello is pausing and skipping while you try to watch, try some of these things to see if it will help resolve your issue.
Update Your Nest Hello
Check that the Nest app is the latest one and up to date, if it is not then update the version you are using.
Bad Wi-Fi Connection
- Check to see if the Nest Hello is connected to Wi-Fi, if not go onto the Nest Hello app and go to the settings and set up the Wi-Fi connection.
- If the connection speed is slow you can go to the settings in the Nest Hello app and change the quality of the video to a lower quality to make it not pause and skip.
Night Vision is Not Working
The Nest Hello’s Camera does not switch from normal mode to night vision mode when the lighting becomes dark enough.
Nest Hello Requires a Restart
Reset the Nest Hello by completely turning off the device and turning it back on after several minutes.
Incorrect Settings
Check that in the Nest Hello App that night vision is not turned off. There are three options of automatic, off, and always on.
External Factors
Check that outside lighting such as street lights and floodlights are not shining on the Nest Hello’s camera. If lights are shining bright enough on the camera then night vision will not turn on since it believes it's still daytime.
30 Kommentare
Camera sticks like a photo shot.
will not show a video and I can’t save the video.
Zelmon McBride - Antwort
i can not get my door bell to work with the hello , it worked for 1 week and stopped . I bought a new door bell snd the same issue, the transformer is good ….. wasting time and money on a doorbell that worked fine without the hello …. i tried everything.
Robert Mckenna - Antwort
My doorbell works well and all but doesn’t activate my chime. When I disconnect my wires at the doorbell and get them to touch each other my chime works. What’s causing this to happen? All my connections are tight and no corroded wires
Endless Photo Booths - Antwort
Tracking response to this. I have the same issue.
Allan Beard -
I had same problem last week after a restart. My bell is mechanical. What fixed it for me was selecting the bell type “Electronic” in the Nest App (with a longer chime), then pressing the doorbell. It worked, then I switched it back to mechanical and it's been fine since.
raheenb75 -
Thank you raheenb75! I too switched to “Electronic“ and then back to mechanical and the chime started to work again.
Andriy Malyarchuk -
I installed my nest doorbell last week, and my mechanical doorbell inside my home wouldn’t ring anymore. I went into the app as you said, changed it to electronic and extended the duration, and rang it. It made it’s normal chime, so I went back into settings and changed it back to mechanical, and lo and behold it’s working now. Thanks for the sharing your fix, it did the trick!
Terry Kirk -
Neat hello doorbell video shows and notifications. But of button pushed . No sound or no chimes and no notifications on doorbell push. Reset was done. And nothing resolved.
Angelica Figueroa - Antwort
The nest chime was overheating on 12 v transformer why would thus be I'm thinking I need to go up to 24
Gary Daly - Antwort
My doorbell chime works well when bare wires are touched. As soon as I connect nest hello it stops working. What's the issue?
Allan Beard - Antwort
“I had same problem last week after a restart. My bell is mechanical. What fixed it for me was selecting the bell type “Electronic” in the Nest App (with a longer chime), then pressing the doorbell. It worked, then I switched it back to mechanical and it's been fine since.
This worked for me, I had accidentally shorted the wires. The mechanical chime would only “dong” and not every ring. Camera and everything else worked fine but chime would not “ding dong”. I set it to electronic chime rang it a few times, set it back to mechanical chime it works like it should now.
nathan geving - Antwort
Same problem. Your fix worked great. Thanks
Dave Wetton - Antwort
I have the same problem. Mine was working for months, then the chime stopped. I bought a new chime and still have the problem. The switching to electronic didn’t work for me.
Michael Crouch - Antwort
Switching is not working for me either. Bummer.
Michelle Clark - Antwort
Yes. Thank you raheenb75.
We had the same problem: the chime stopped working after Nest was fully installed. I even beefed up the transformer. Then I tried Raheen’s fix: turned the chime to electronic, long duration, in the app and it worked. Turned it back to mechanical and it’s worked ever since!
By the way, this is possibly a coincidence, but the Nest Hello rang the chime successfully UNTIL I connected it to the network and added it to the app.
Rick Bahr - Antwort
My Nest hello which I’ve had from new no long sends videos to my iPhone. Says it’s connected to another account. I’ve tried a factory reset and still says the same. The support line and nest aware hopeless send you round in circles. I need to find this unknown account how do I do that? I desperately need the bell on line for security.it’s impossible to contact anyone at google
Chris - Antwort
My chime wasn’t working, then I removed the white chime connector and it now works but the chime is slightly humming. I re connected the white disc back in and it stops working again. Absolute shambles
Ryan Fairley - Antwort
Could not get my mechanical chime to sound until I switched to “Electronic” in the app, then switched back again. Works great now.
Stephen Coffman - Antwort
I had a Nest Pro Installer come in to set it up. I needed a more powerful transformer. The Door Chime would not work…stumped, called for a replacement door chime. Still did not work…found this blog and switched from Mechanical to Electronic and back again. Voila, it works. Nest you should be putting these information’s in your Troubleshooting Guidelines…Product is great…set up is poor.
contactrdmandel - Antwort
doorbell is connected to the door bell module of a Nutone IM 5000 intercom. The chime control module rings the door chime constantly with or without the doorbell connected. Had no light indication during install.
Robert Beller - Antwort
I added a second chime to my nest door bell and now both chimes are not working could it be that I need a stronger transformer ?
Anthony Pecoraro - Antwort
I followed the advice of reaheenb 75 & it solved my problem
Gary Galbraith - Antwort
Is there a battery in the camera that needs to be recharged (since there is a female connector on the back of the camera)? The doorbell works, when I touch the wires together; also, my internet is working. There is no indictor light on around the button. Help
Tim Bebee - Antwort
My nest hello. Starts up the bleu ring shows for about 10 seconds. The green led blinks once en de doorbell shutting down. After a few seconds he starts up again to do the same. Someone a solition? Replace the battery didnt help
Harry Hokse - Antwort
I have the same problem. Mine has come back on line again for a few days and then stopped working. The lights still start up as you describe but no further luck. Thought it might have been the cold weather so disconnected it and brought it inside to warm up. Didn’t help. If it comes back again I will attempt to upgrade the software if that’s possible. I’m beginning to believe given the lights that it is caught in a software loop glitch.
Bob Jones -
My indoor mechanical chime has started randomly humming. I have not had the white chime connector wired in as the chime doesn’t work at all with it connected. Just attempted it again and tried changing the settings in the app as previously mentioned but still not working. Has anyone else had this issue?
Ryan Fairley - Antwort
My screen is locked and will not pan out. I see one frame and can not move video
Catherine Goodrich - Antwort
Andrea Fink - Antwort
camera is offline and does not connect after numerous attempts
Steve - Antwort
can i just use a nest doorbell (wired) camera as a wireless doorbell and just charge it when it goes dead or does it HAVE to be wired.
Jon Lyons - Antwort