Statte dein betagtes MacBook Pro mit neuen Gummifüßen aus.
Was du brauchst
Entferne die folgenden zehn Schrauben:
Drei 14,4 mm Kreuzschlitz #00 Schrauben
Drei 3,5 mm Kreuzschlitz #00 Schrauben
Vier 3,5 mm Kreuzschlitz #00 Ansatzschrauben
Löse mit den Fingern in der Nähe vom Ventilator die Gehäuse-Unterseite vom Hauptteil des Gehäuses.
Entferne die Gehäuse-Unterseite.
Entferne alle gerissenen oder beschädigte Gummifüße.
Entferne alle Reste von Gummifüßen, die noch im Befestigungsloch stecken.
Entferne mit einer Pinzette alle Reste von altem Klebeband in der Klebefläche der Gummifüße.
Reinige die Klebefläche mit Klebstoffentferner, um jegliche Reste des Klebers zu beseitigen.
On my mid-2009 unibody MacBook Pro, there were thin, circular, black cloth pieces inside the case, covering the holes where the feet came through. I had to remove this tape, in order to push the feet through.
Wische mit einem alkoholbefeuchteten Tuch über die Klebefläche, um Reste vom Klebstoffentferner zu beseitigen.
Platziere den neuen Fuß richtig in der Klebefläche.
Achte darauf, dass die kleine Passnoppe im Gummifuß in das entsprechende Loch nahe am Rand der Klebefläche eingreift.
Wenn der Fuß richtig sitzt, kannst du ihn nach unten drücken.
Schaue von der Innenseite des unteren Gehäuses, ob der Fuß gut ausgerichtet ist. Schiebe die Passnoppe mit einer Pinzette in das entsprechende Loch.
Drücke den neuen Fuß mit dem Finger fest und halte den Druck 30 Sekunden lang aufrecht, damit der druckempfindliche Kleber abbindet. Drücke von der anderen Seite dagegen.
Wiederhole die letzten sechs Schritte für jeden Gummifuß, der gerissen oder beschädigt ist.
My A1278 hasn't got holes in the backplate?
The feet just seem to be stuck on with adhesive.
Do I still have to unscrew the back?
Hi Rob,
If the backplate doesn’t have the holes, you can still use the feet by just glueing them on. You would not have to open the backplate.
I have been told that if you are using adhesive, you should follow these steps and remove the bottom.
This way, adhesive doesn’t get inside the machine.
Hi Larry,
That is definitely true, if you are adding liquid adhesives. The feet we sell come with adhesive pre-installed on the feet. All you have to do is peel and stick!
Um dein Gerät wieder zusammenzusetzen, folge den Schritten in umgekehrter Reihenfolge.
Um dein Gerät wieder zusammenzusetzen, folge den Schritten in umgekehrter Reihenfolge.
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Ein Kommentar
Fine tutorial !
I have an ecological proposal: no need of adhesive remover, an alcohol prep on a dish towel is enough to remove any remaining adhesive or residue. Less wastes !
How much weight can I save by removing the optical drive?
gunes314 - Antwort
You can save a lot of weight if lets say your installing a solid state drive or putting in a second hard drive but if you know that you use the CD/DVD disc drive a lot then you might just want to leave the drive alone.
Marshall WahlstromHelgren -
Tip: Use one of those weekday pill holders to have a cheep way to store screws you remove and each day of the week can be for different sizes or parts. It has been handy to have (much less expensive than the magnetic mat.
Robert Wacker - Antwort
Hello, where can I buy the screws I need in case I lose one of them?
taylornya - Antwort
iFixit sells a kit: MacBook Pro Unibody Lower Case Screw Set
Darrell Johnson -
I have one stripped screw... How opening without drill it?! Any suggestions please?
rodrigosady - Antwort
I also stripped a couple screws. I wasn’t able to open it up without drilling. After drilling the heads and removing the cover it was easy to hacksaw the tip and unscrew with a standard driver.
Michael Wilkens -
We have a guide for that!
Wie man eine rundgedrehte Schraube entfernt
Sam Omiotek -
My top tip - make sure you buy good quality Phillips screwdrivers and a magnetic holder. Cheap screwdrivers won’t get the screws undone safely. Without a magnetic holder you have no chance of getting the tiny crews in and out safely.
jeremyyoung - Antwort
A good Phillips 00 is your friend here. Also, when reinserting the screws, gently start anticlockwise and you wil feel a click at the start of the thread. This tells you you’re in the right place and less likely to cross-thread through force in the wrong place.
Iain Boyd - Antwort
I feel like these are 000 screws. Amazon sales describe them as such and my 000 screwdriver fits better
cam2000deluxe -
Before ordering a new Trackpad remove the existing battery and try clicking the Trackpad. If it clicks OK with the battery out the source of problem is likely a swollen battery, which should to be replaced even if it still works to some degree. From the side of the battery you will likely see the soft part of the battery bulging beyond the hard case.
Patrick Langvardt - Antwort
That’s absolutely correct as I can testify. With the battery removed I also adjusted the T6 set screw that adjusts the sensitivity of the trackpad click, evidently someone had cranked mine down tighter than the factory setting.
Gary Register -
Le quatrième paragraphe dans les instructions en français n’est pas correct : ce ne sont pas les 2 petites vis, mais les 7 petites vis qui sont inclinées. Et les 3 grandes sont bien verticales.
Degeorges - Antwort
Bonjour ! Merci de votre observation. J’ai corrigé la traduction. iFixit étant un wiki, n’hésitez pas à modifiez si vous remarquez une erreur :) Encore merci de votre attention et à bientôt !
Claire Miesch -
Tip: if you have a magnetic screw mat or similar, lay the macbook over the mat to make sure it catches any screws that may decide to fall of and hide under your table
Moritz - Antwort
Funny, it's not her hands that are doing the close ups. :)
Cinemated Man - Antwort
What's the difference between the shouldered and non shouldered screws? They look exactly the same to me.
MLNLRD - Antwort
the shouldered screws have a space where the threading stops and the head of the screw begins. i don't think the newer screw kits include them. i've lost most of my shouldered screws but the non shouldered screws will work, too. you just need to adjust everything carefully because a shouldered screw will stick out of the case instead of fitting flush if it's in a non-shouldered hole.
postjosh -
There are bateries labeled as "A1322" but marked as "High Performance" and rated 76.56WH/11.6V. Also sold as replacement for the MacBook Pro 13" mid 2012 Model A1278. Does the different rating, in particular the voltage, is compatible? Does it really provides some extra "performance" in any actual way?
locutus - Antwort
does anyone know where to buy the shouldered 3.5mm screws? it looks like the current kit has substituted the non-shouldered version of the screw.
postjosh - Antwort
here's a comparison picture:
shouldered vs non-shouldered
postjosh -
My screws were in a slightly different configuration -- my macbook has never been opened before so I'm not sure why my screws were different from the diagram here. Anyways, the three long screws were in the same position, then, clockwise from the right-middle screw, with s = shouldered and r = regular, I had: s, s, r, s, r, r, s.
Spencer Pennington - Antwort