Das Festplattenkabel enthält den IR-Sensor/ die Ruhezustandsanzeige.
Was du brauchst
Entferne die folgenden zehn Schrauben, mit denen das untere Gehäuse am oberen Gehäuse befestigt ist:
Sieben 3 mm Kreuzschlitzschrauben
Drei 13,5 mm Kreuzschlitzschrauben
Hebe das untere Gehäuse mit beiden Händen in der Nähe der Lüftungsöffnung an, damit sich die beiden Clips lösen, mit denen die beiden Gehäuseteile verbunden sind.
Entferne das untere Gehäuse und lege es zur Seite.
In diesem Schritt verwendetes Werkzeug:P6 Pentalobe Screwdriver 2009 15" MacBook Pro Battery$5.49
Entferne die beiden 5-Punkt Pentalobe Schrauben an der Oberkante des Akkus.
Question: why do you remove the battery? According to Apple's official manual, this is not required (not for the mid-2009 and not for the mid-2010 15-inch MacBook Pro) - see pages 37 ff:
Zitat von alexkli:
Question: why do you remove the battery? According to Apple's official manual, this is not required (not for the mid-2009 and not for the mid-2010 15-inch MacBook Pro) - see pages 37 ff:
I'm interested by your experience.
Did you have removed the optical drive without removing the battery ?
I'm just in this step now and if it is possible I would proceed like you because removing the battery void the warranty (and there is a sticker).
Thanks in advance.
Looks like my note to step 3 appears on all repair guides that have the same step. I meant that in the context of the hard drive replacement only.
Did you have removed the optical drive without removing the battery ?
I haven't yet done anything, waiting for my MacBook Pro 15 inch mid-2010 to arrive.
I missed the notes and went ahead and purchased the 5 point driver for the battery before I realized it was not necessary.
I've edited the repair guide to remove the section on the battery, but I don't have the points to approve the changes.
Please note - the step about removing the battery is part of a pre-requisite guide, that is used for many of the guides, most that do require removal of the battery. Also, working inside a disassembled laptop with the battery still connected risks damaging/shorting out very expensive parts.
Absolutely. To be clear -- ALL of the above discussion is ONLY in reference to replacing the hard drive.
I replaced a hard drive in a MacBook Pro of an earlier model than this without removing the battery. The hard drive wasn't right. It only worked at about half speed, and I had to replace it once more. The second time I removed the battery and all went well. The recommendation by the iFixit staff to remove the battery before working on electronic equipment is a good one.
What is the size of those screws... I have rounded off the socket on mine and would like to replace them.
I measured the screw size, using a micrometer, its about 1.523mm in diameter and 3.186mm in length. Not sure what screw size that is. They are not easily available I guess, unless someone is selling used ones on ebay
In my case the three pentalobe screws were 3 point.
Biege die Ausbuchtung am Aufkleber "Warning: Do not remove the battery" mit der Spudgerspitze hoch, um die dritte Pentalobe Schraube darunter zu entfernen.
Hebe den Akku an seiner Plastiklasche hoch und schiebe ihn von der langen Kante des oberen Gehäuses weg.
My T6 (appears to be same screw driver you have - $6 on amazon for 20piece set) did NOT fit int he battery screws...not sure if I had the wrong screws or what, but I went ahead w/o battery steps and it was pretty easy.
I also noticed that the new SDD (from crucial) didn't have the 4 screws, so I had to move those off the old HD and onto the new one.
Just had the same issue: T6 does not fit the battery screws ;-( ... but with a little bit more preassure it was possible to remove the screws.
Kippe den Akku soweit nach hinten, dass du an den Akkukabelstecker herankommst.
Ziehe den Akkukabelstecker aus seinem Anschluss auf dem Logic Board und entferne den Akku aus dem oberen Gehäuse.
Wenn du einen neuen Akku einbaust, solltest du ihn nach dem Einbau kalibrieren.
Entferne die beiden Kreuzschlitzschrauben, mit denen die Festplattenhalterung am oberen Gehäuse befestigt ist.
Hebe die Halterung aus dem oberen Gehäuse heraus.
Hebe die Festplatte an ihrer Zuglasche aus dem Rahmen heraus, achte dabei auf das Kabel, mit dem sie an den Computer angeschlossen ist.
Löse das Festplattenkabel, indem du die Festplatte gerade vom Stecker abziehst. Halte den Stecker fest. Wenn du am Stecker ziehst, kann er zu weit herauskommen und dabei das Festplattenkabel zerreißen.
Entferne die folgenden vier Schrauben, mit denen das Kabel der Festplatte und des IR-Sensors am oberen Gehäuse befestigt ist:
Zwei 1,5 mm Kreuzschlitzschrauben
Zwei 4 mm Kreuzschlitzschrauben
Schiebe die Festplatte und die Halterung des IR-Sensors von der Kante des oberen Gehäuses weg.
Benutze das flache Ende eines Spudgers, um den Festplatten-Kabelstecker vom Logic Board zu hebeln.
Löse das Kabel der Festplatte und des IR-Sensors vorsichtig vom rechten Lautsprecher/oberen Gehäuse ab und entferne sie von deinem Computer.
Benutze die Spitze eines Spudgers, um den ZIF-Stecker auf dem Festplattenkabel hochzuklappen.
Ziehe das Kabel der Sensor-Halterung vorsichtig aus dem ZIF-Stecker.
Benutze das flache Ende eines Spudgers, um das Festplattenkabel von der Sensor-Halterung abzuhebeln.
Um dein Gerät wieder zusammenzubauen, folge den Schritten dieser Anleitung in umgekehrter Reihenfolge.
Um dein Gerät wieder zusammenzubauen, folge den Schritten dieser Anleitung in umgekehrter Reihenfolge.
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I found that the smaller cable branch to the IR sensor was glued down to the case. The new part (purchased from ifixit.com) didn't have a sticky backing so I carefully removed some of the sticky material from the original cable and stuck it to the new cable. This kept the cable in place when I replaced the hard drive. I could see how one might accidentally bend or fold the cable in a way that could damage it when placing the hard drive.
This guide made it really easy. It fixed my problem. Thanks!
I want to buy a hard drive cable but I live in Mozambique, how can I get it, because my country is not included?
May be helpful to have more distinct colors to identify the different screws.
Victor Caamano - Antwort