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Nintendo 3DS Akku austauschen

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  1. Nintendo 3DS Akku austauschen, Hintere Schrauben herausdrehen: Schritt 1, Bild 1 von 1
    In diesem Schritt verwendetes Werkzeug:
    Phillips #00 Screwdriver
    • Nimm einen Kreuzschlitzschraubendreher #00 und drehe die vier Schrauben am oberen Rand der Rückabdeckung heraus.

    • Alle Schrauben in diesem Gerät sind JIS Schrauben. Offizielle PH000-PH1-Kreuzschlitzschraubendreher von iFixit sind auch kompatibel mit JIS Schrauben und können dafür verwendet werden. Andere Schraubendreher können zu rundgedrehten Schrauben führen.

    • Die Schrauben werden von Haltescheiben festgehalten und können nicht aus der Rückabdeckung herausfallen.

    #00 screwdriver is too big... probably need a #000

    thomascroguennec - Antwort

    #00 will work - but you must press down firmly and sort of jerk the screw out a few degrees at a time. If you don't press firmly, the screws strip very easily. Using #000 will strip the screws more easily.

    Tai -

    I used a #0 without any issues and 0 stripped. I used the #0 for all screws internally and externally. The head was sharp and I applied adequate amounts of pressure when loosening the screw.

    Ben Kevan -

    The correct screwdriver should be a JIS, or you can get a screwdriver specific for the 3DS from other sites for less than $2

    Oscar - Antwort

    do you have to buy it

    deeznuts -

    Where would I buy a screwdriver specifically for the 3DS? Also would it work on the DS? I need to replace the battery for my DS.

    Caitlin Lumsden -

    I used Phillips #000 and it worked like a charm, i need to order a new SD board or do you guys think i should send it. What happened is that it got water damaged and everything works fine when i opened it everything looked fine no signs of water corrosion everything on the 3DS works exept it always give me a message saying the SD card is locked and i know for a fact it isnt locked i already tried using 3 different SD cards and none of them are lock protected and yes they are formatted as well. I need help

    Leo Torres - Antwort

    there's a switch on the SD card, switch it and it will be unlocked again. it happened to me once too.

    Bagel -

    david hodson you are incredible. literally all you need to do is heat the screen up and pry it off and you make them take apart the whole thing

    melody - Antwort

    You've done this?

    magykmaster -

    I have to ask the same question. If just the glass display is broken, and you're heating it up to remove the glass, is it really necessary to remove everything? Doesn't like like it is necessary

    Wade -

    I just did it your way and it went fine. didnt even have to remove the battery. This is incredible misstep on the authors part.

    patrick -

    only take out the screen for a motherboard removal? Are you using the wrong guide or was this guide used for two different repairs?

    Reed Deemer -

    I used a PH0x50, but it wasn't easy.

    John - Antwort

    This may be a dumb question but where do I buy the 3DS upper screen?

    John - Antwort

    eBay... Just do a search for the 3DS Upper screen. $9.49 & it comes with the tools.

    Gary Darnell -

    The LCD screen I ordered came with all the tools I needed except a pair of tweezers. All in all it was about $14.00 and a little bit of my time.

    Gary Darnell - Antwort

    Does anyone know where I can find the right bumper button for a 3ds? I can't find it on ebay must of damaged it playing smash bros.

    Steven Castro Parrilla - Antwort

    Really wish I had read the comments first... How about instead of the warning saying to press down hardly and go slow, you say to use the correct screwdriver size like others mentioned in the comments. I not only stripped multiple screws, even after putting a glove on for more pressure, I bent my screwdriver from pressing down so hard. Granted it's a cheap jeweler's kit screwdriver, but it still would've been nice to not have that problem and be informed of the right size in the first place.

    hockeymorgan35 - Antwort

    Got my tools one day after ordering, as I live a couple hours away from the supplier, Will post again when i try guide.

    nintendokakashi - Antwort

    I tried doing this with a #00 Philips but it just didn't turn

    Acrobatic Mars01 - Antwort

    Hello there, I need some assistance I have done a full housing replacement I have everything working except the 3d slider . The 3D option is always on can someone let me know which flex it is or what I am forgetting . Thanks guys !

    Noe Ibarra - Antwort

    The 3D light lets you know there is a 3D option available for the current game you’re playing. Usually, it is always on, except when you’re playing a game that doesn’t support 3D. Turning the 3D slider off does not turn off the 3D LED.

    Scott D -

    I've always been lucky with these four, and at the time it was my first disassembly so I didn't know what stripping a screw was!

    FarmYard Gaming - Antwort

    These screws don't strip easily, however, the screws at step 4 do.

    TheBlueInkling -

    It's JIS #00

    It's not the same thing

    Alstein Einbert - Antwort

    To all the people that seem to think it's ok to tell people to use a phillips

    A PHILLIPS WILL damage the head of a JIS screw.

    The middle is thicker, which breaks the inner corners and the angle is less extreme causing it to slip out

    The extra pressure you add is to break that screw into a "phillips-ier" shape

    A newbie will still slip out and risk stipping the scew

    Btw you don't need to press hard with a JIS driver in a JIS screw

    If you don't know what you are doing, please refrain from editing this

    Alstein Einbert - Antwort

    "All screws in this device are JIS screws. All official iFixit Phillips screwdrivers are designed to be compatible with JIS screws, so they are safe to use. Using a screwdriver other than an official iFixit screwdriver or a JIS screwdriver may result in stripped screws."

    - dude who doesn't know anything

    Alstein Einbert - Antwort

    Hi Alstein!

    You're right about most Phillips screwdrivers damaging JIS screws, but our Phillips bits (#000–1) are designed to be compatible with JIS of that size. We can't guarantee that Phillips drivers from other manufacturers are also cross compatible. We added the aforementioned bullet as a clarifier for this difference.

    Alex Diaz-Kokaisl -

    Hi Alex

    The bit still slips out easier due to the less extreme vertical angle, causing someone inexperienced to damage their screws.

    I and the Nintendo Homebrew community (talking about the hardware repair part of it) believe that even if it's true that the bit is shaped to cause less damage its completly wrong to tell someone to use the wrong bit as we get both people who ask "this bit is JIS friendly right" on normal phillips screwdrivers and people who come crying that they stripped their screws and have 0 idea why everyday so we know for a fact people are taking these kind of messages the wrong way.

    I believe the message i am putting is important as it tells the user the bits are different, tells them what to do if they don't have a JIS screwdriver and the damage its gonna cause.

    I'd agree to add a bullet that clarifies that ifixit phillips screwdrivers are designed to cause less damage under our disclaimer, not to just say phillips is fine to use on JIS

    Alstein Einbert -

    why is this guide telling you to use a Phillips screwdriver on a JIS

    this is just wrong

    "All screws in this device are JIS Screws, Official iFixit PH000-PH1 Phillips screwdrivers are designed to be compatible with JIS screw" wtf is this

    so you are saying that

    1. ifixit's phillips bit is a JIS because yes a JIS will work fine in a phillips screw, not vice versa.

    2. "use a ifixit phillips screwdriver that's the right screwdriver" instead of the jis one they might already have EVEN MAYBE FROM IFIXIT.

    yeah you mention in passing "or you could use a JIS Screwdriver but you should be mentioning in passing that ifixits phillips is ji-... ahem... i mean is compatible with jis screws

    this is absolutely stupid. Add that with the lack of care for looking for selling long lasting products like batteries and the lower quality of the recent bits i think ifixit is at its end.

    Daninator - Antwort

    "i think ifixit is at its end." not in any way overdramatic at all

    FarmYard Gaming -

  2. Nintendo 3DS Akku austauschen, Rückabdeckung abnehmen: Schritt 2, Bild 1 von 2 Nintendo 3DS Akku austauschen, Rückabdeckung abnehmen: Schritt 2, Bild 2 von 2
    • Halte das Gerät in einer Hand und drehe es herum.

    • Fasse den oberen Rand der Rückabdeckung mit der anderen Hand, so dass sie nicht wieder zurück fallen kann.

    • Drehe das Gerät wieder um, so dass die Rückabdeckung nach oben zeigt.

    • Ziehe die Rückabdeckung vom Gerät weg und entferne sie.

    Rember to transfer the model number sticker to the new cover

    Caleb Mezenberg (Caleb) - Antwort

  3. Nintendo 3DS Akku austauschen, Akku: Schritt 3, Bild 1 von 3 Nintendo 3DS Akku austauschen, Akku: Schritt 3, Bild 2 von 3 Nintendo 3DS Akku austauschen, Akku: Schritt 3, Bild 3 von 3
    • Setze ein Plastiköffnungswerkzeug in die Vertiefung im unteren Gehäuse über dem Akku ein.

    • Heble den Akku mit dem Plastiköffnungswerkzeug hoch.

    • Fasse den Akku am oberen Rand an und hebe ihn aus dem unteren Gehäuse.


Um dein Gerät wieder zusammenzusetzen, folge den Schritten in umgekehrter Reihenfolge.

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David Hodson

Mitglied seit: 04/13/10

152.626 Reputation

127 Anleitungen geschrieben

9 Kommentare

Where do you buy a new battery from for your nintendo 3ds?

Midori Neko - Antwort

Amazon or eBay are your friend!

Also Nintendo store sells it

Alberto -

Easy as pie. Thanks for writing this guide!

3DRepairMan - Antwort

I want to buy a battery to replace the old one, do you have any stablishment in An Salvador where I can buy it?

wilfredo_montesm - Antwort

https://store.nintendo.com/battery-pack-... Here it is for the 3ds and 2ds battery pack from Nintendo.

Nelson Berrios - Antwort

I have replaced the battery and charger 3x the new batteries make it work but it will not charge

sarah peterson - Antwort

Maybe the problem is the charging port

Nelson Berrios -

Thanks for writing the guide, it's very clear! For other users:

1. don't be afraid if it seems like you can't unscrew one of the screws - I almost didn't make it and had to switch to a bigger screwdriver of the set, but I managed to take it out.

2. if you buy the battery on Ifixt (yes, they sell it too, I don't understand why no one mentions it in the comments), rember to take the adhesive tape on the side before installing it, otherwise it might turn on and off and you might not understand why (the tape is almost invisible and I missed it the first time)

Larachel - Antwort

Recently adquire a 3DS xl first generation. Was not charge in years. I bought a new wall charger and charge the battery. Went I push the power button the blue light comes on and stay on but nothing else happens. Both screen are black and unresponsive. Any help will be gladly appreciated

Edgardo Freyre - Antwort

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