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Falls das Displayglas gesprungen ist, halte die Bruchstücke zusammen und vermeide Verletzungen während des Reparaturvorgangs, indem du das Glas mit Tape zusammenhälst.
Lege sich überlappende Streifen von durchsichtigen Klebestreifen über das Display des iPhones, bis die gesamte Vorderseite bedeckt ist.
Entferne die beiden Kreuzschlitzschrauben #00 vom Dock-Anschluss Ende des iPhones.
When you do this, do it in a very well lighted environment that is not on carpet. Take off metal wristwatches and generally remove any other metal before starting the repair. If you drop these tiny screws and they land on thick carpet you have almost no chance of finding them again. The IF137-008-1 kit would benefit with the addition of two replacement screws in case the buyer loses the original screws.
CAUTION. If your phone was assembled the same as my 16GB 3G, the cable labeled 4 in step 3 is glued to the back of your LCD not simply connected to the main board as shown in the instructions. There is no way you can open the phone 45 degrees as shown without ripping the cable as I did.
I now need to replace the dock connector as well.
Weird. I've taken all of my 3G apart. My 8 replacements, and my 2 3GS apart. all were 16GB, and what your describing has never happened to me.
Zitat von postnospam:
CAUTION. If your phone was assembled the same as my 16GB 3G, the cable labeled 4 in step 3 is glued to the back of your LCD not simply connected to the main board as shown in the instructions. There is no way you can open the phone 45 degrees as shown without ripping the cable as I did.
I now need to replace the dock connector as well.
After looking at this closer, I don't think it was glued to the back of the LCD, so much as it had just bonded there after a year and a half of use. I usually just keep the phone in my back pocket. Maybe this contributed to extra pressure in that area?
If some one has the same issue, it will take a very gentle hand to slightly crack it open and use a spudger to separate the end from the back of the LCD before opening it further.
The cut in the cable was so clean, I didn't even notice the problem until I went to put it back together and wondered why there was an apparently unused cable connected to the back of the LCD.
The good news is everything else is working and the replacement dock connector should arrive tomorrow.
After using a cheap Go Phone to get me by for the weekend, I'm in complete awe of my daughter's ability to text on those things!
Zitat von ouimetnick:
Weird. I've taken all of my 3G apart. My 8 replacements, and my 2 3GS apart. all were 16GB, and what your describing has never happened to me.
Zitat von postnospam:
CAUTION. If your phone was assembled the same as my 16GB 3G, the cable labeled 4 in step 3 is glued to the back of your LCD not simply connected to the main board as shown in the instructions. There is no way you can open the phone 45 degrees as shown without ripping the cable as I did.
I now need to replace the dock connector as well.
I had a similar issue, only it wasn't cable number 3. It was a ribbon cable that is without label that connects to the screen opposite the ribbon cables 1-3. It's also connected to the iPhone, and not the display assembly.
What size are these screws. Please
Entferne den Metallgriff vom Saugheber. Es ist einfacher und sicherer den Saugheber ohne den Griff zu fassen.
Benutze einen kleineren Saugheber in der Nähe des Home Buttons, um den unteren Teil der Displayeinheit vorsichtig anzuheben.
I've had problems removing non-apple touchscreens using the suction cup method - often the glass pulls away from the frame/lcd instead of the phone. On 2 occasions, I've had to gently lever up the frame/lcd with thin plastic sptum or ccard instead.
Also the thin glass of cheap touchscreens sometimes cracks when pulled with a sucker (if not already!) leaving 2 suckers!!
I found it very useful to use a magnet sheet when doing these repairs. I use electrical tape or a sharpie to make a grid, and place each micro screw in a separate box on the grid.
I work directly over the magnet sheet, so that if something drops I have a better chance at not losing it.
If you do lose a screw, go over the work area with a fridge magnet. It will pick it up if it hasn’t popped too far away.
Hebe die Displayeinheit an, bis sie in einem Winkel von etwa 45° zum iPhone steht.
Halte die Displayeinheit weiterhin mit einer Hand fest, und benutze deine andere Hand, um mit einem Spudger das schwarze Flachbandkabel, das mit "1" markiert ist, zu trennen.
Klappe die Displayeinheit hoch, bis sie etwa senkrecht steht. So kommst du besser an die restlichen Kabel dran, die noch gelöst werden müssen.
Benutze einen Spudger, um das schwarze Flachbandkabel "2" zu trennen.
Benutze einen Plastikspudger, um die schwarze Plastiklasche hochzuklappen, die das letzte Kabel befestigt. Die schwarze Plastiklasche wird sich um 90° nach oben klappen, und das Flachbandkabel frei geben.
Schiebe das Flachbandkabel aus seinem Stecker und entferne die Displayeinheit vom iPhone.
It took me only about 10 minutes to do the entire replacement procedure. I had to wiggle in the speaker end (where the 3 cables are) several times to get the display to seat perfectly, but all is well. The new unit looks great!
At this point, before turning on the device to test it, you might want to make sure the sim card is installed. Otherwise the 3G will boot up, and you will get a message "No SIM card installed", and the screen will be locked. Worse, you can't power off because the screen is locked and the power-off slider can't be moved to the right.
I just installed this unit for a friend's phone, but don't have the sim card here -- it is with the friend. I hope that replacing the sim card with the 3G powered on will work out okay.
I did this and now my display does not work... What is wrong???
Zitat von phonenewby:
I did this and now my display does not work... What is wrong???
When you say "my display does not work" can you be more specific? In what way doesn't it work? Does it not turn on at all? Or does it turn on just fine, but you can't move the slider to the right to unlock the screen and get into the functional part of the iPhone interface? My suggestion is to open the phone again by removing the sim card, the two bottom screws and gently applying the suction cup. Slow and gentle helps a lot. Check that the cables are plugged in. Use a magnifying glass for this. Make sure cable #2 is seated correctly. Check the other two cables as well. Cable #3 is a little tricky, you have to slide it in the connector and then set a locking tab. And cable #1 can be challenging too. Check them all -- gently but also firmly. Now gently reseat the display assembly and see if it works now.
Always try to be very specific when you describe a problem. Don't throw a short one-liner and expect it to convey the precise issue you are seeing. Please be a little more descriptive. Thanks! --Bob
The Phone's touch screen will work with out a sim. You must have installed it wrong. My iPhone and brothers iPhone, both are 3G. Work fine w/o a sim card installed.
Zitat von cochranb:
It took me only about 10 minutes to do the entire replacement procedure. I had to wiggle in the speaker end (where the 3 cables are) several times to get the display to seat perfectly, but all is well. The new unit looks great!
At this point, before turning on the device to test it, you might want to make sure the sim card is installed. Otherwise the 3G will boot up, and you will get a message "No SIM card installed", and the screen will be locked. Worse, you can't power off because the screen is locked and the power-off slider can't be moved to the right.
I just installed this unit for a friend's phone, but don't have the sim card here -- it is with the friend. I hope that replacing the sim card with the 3G powered on will work out okay.
Zitat von ouimetnick:
The Phone's touch screen will work with out a sim. You must have installed it wrong. My iPhone and brothers iPhone, both are 3G. Work fine w/o a sim card installed.
Hi yes you are correct, I discovered my problem was really that cable #2 had come loose. This caused the touch screen not to respond to input. I missed updating this note until reading your comments. --Bob
Zitat von adnix:
Hi, i can´t get cable number 3 back in its connector, the white "flipclip" at the end is opened so that i should just slide in, but it doesn´t...
At the beginnig, the display turned on, but now it stays dark, the phone is turned on! Is it possible that the flexcable is damaged or just because number 3 won´t get in the connector?
hi, im having trouble getting it to work, i got everything installed but when i try to turn it on its still black and every once in a while i get a white screen that stays on for about 2 seconds, the sound and vibration work, just not the desplay
hold power and home button till it blinks
dugy40 -
Hello, I seem to have completed the install just fine (the screen is working now). The problem is that when I reboot (hold both home and power buttons for approximately 10 seconds) system displays the Apple screen but does not seem to finish the boot (15minutes and counting). Is there a different/special procedure I need to do to restart the iPhone after the repair?
Zitat von cochranb:
Hi yes you are correct, I discovered my problem was really that cable #2 had come loose. This caused the touch screen not to respond to input. I missed updating this note until reading your comments. --Bob
Hi Bob. i also have a problem that I hope you could help me with. I did all these things but apparently, when I reassemble i get no sound from the earphone and the auto brightness does not work at all. Bassically the top part of the phone does not work. I think this has something to do with cable #3, because everything else looks fine! Is there something I should do to connect it better? It is already in the slot but no sound..(not from the loudspeaker)..any help?
Zitat von adnix:
At the beginnig, the display turned on, but now it stays dark, the phone is turned on! Is it possible that the flexcable is damaged or just because number 3 won´t get in the connector?
I had this problem too. I was able to get the screen back by resetting the iphone. hold "home" and "sleep" buttons simultaneously for at least ten seconds until you see the white Apple logo appear. The phone is restarting.
Zitat von Jose Ayala:
I broke the cable #3 locking tab how can i fix that
guys if you're not good with small(extremly) fiddly electrical components dont try this. Its not worth ballsing up ur iphone. I repair iphones/phones & if someone came to me with a phone theyd tried to do themselves Id tell em to !@#$ off. If IM not good enough to to the job in 1st place,no way am i helping em sort their !@#$-ups
Zitat von cochranb:
It took me only about 10 minutes to do the entire replacement procedure. I had to wiggle in the speaker end (where the 3 cables are) several times to get the display to seat perfectly, but all is well. The new unit looks great! At this point, before turning on the device to test it, you might want to make sure the sim card is installed. Otherwise the 3G will boot up, and you will get a message "No SIM card installed", and the screen will be locked. Worse, you can't power off because the screen is locked and the power-off slider can't be moved to the right. I just installed this unit for a friend's phone, but don't have the sim card here -- it is with the friend. I hope that replacing the sim card with the 3G powered on will work out okay.
Hi; I changed my LCD but is white the whole time.. i can work with it, i took the LCD and put it in other iPhone and it worked..
What is the problem?
Please Help!
Zitat von Siia:
Hi; I changed my LCD but is white the whole time.. i can work with it, i took the LCD and put it in other iPhone and it worked..
What is the problem?
Please Help!
Hello, that happened to me to.Make you sure that the connectors are well placed,especially the number 1 .When I close the screen had just disconnected,had to open it again to understand
I seem to be running into a problem that more then a couple people are getting from what i've read all over the internet. i too replaced the glass digitizer screen and my lcd and now i can't get any sort of display to show up on my iPhone at all. the vibrate still works and thats the only reason i know it's even turned on besides syncing it with my computer. (i use my friend's old iPhone 3G as an iPod, so no phone calls or anything) ive checked the cables multiple times and everytime they all seem to be seated properly. is there something i could've screwed up thats not part of the display assembly?? ribbon connectors or something? and how could i figure that much out??
Thanks for your time
I changed the whole display, as i should in this guide. But the display does not work at all, there does not come any kind of light or anything? I do not know what to do next. I consider sending it for repair.
Can it be the whole motherboard, which is going to be changed, and in case of that, what is the price for that. Hope you can help solve this problem, i am totally lost..
Reinstalling the cable 3 in position is definitely the hardest part, i used small tweezers to get sliding it into the FPC lock. However after completing the assembly i can see the apple logo on display and the in progress sign but nothing more. If i connect to itunes on the pc i can see the device and i put into restore mode that was completed, anyway no way to get it booting.I repeated the sequence 3 times to make sure the 3 cables were in place but i suspect there'd be some additional damage. if somebody have some guidance is more than welcome. thanks
Hi; I changed my LCD but is white the whole time I tried unplugging 1 and plug it back but it does work?
Please help
When assembling the new display, I felt like this was the hardest step. I was never sure if the cable was secure, and messing with that little lock was scary. But, all worked!
Entferne die einzelne Kreuzschlitzschraube #00 aus der Ecke der Displayeinheit.
Benutze das flache Ende eines Spudgers, um die rechte Seite der Einheit mit der Abdeckung der Ohrhörer-Lautsprecher hochzuhebeln.
Drehe den Spudger um und benutze die Spitze, um die beiden Rasten zu lösen, die die Oberseite der Einheit befestigen.
Wenn die Rasten gelöst sind, kannst du die Einheit mit Abdeckung vom Gerät abheben.
Schiebe die Spitze des Spudgers in den Spalt unter der oberen rechten Ecke des Ohrhörer-Lautsprechers und heble vorsichtig nach oben.
Hebe den Ohrhörer-Lautsprecher hoch und entferne ihn aus dem Gerät.
Looks like the earpiece speaker is upside down in the photo of Step 9. It has springy copper contacts that align with the lower end (home button side) of the circuit board in the cover assembly. I referenced this photo when putting the speaker in a replacement mid frame, and the speaker did not work. Turning the speaker around did fix it.
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