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Die Xbox 360 ist die zweite Spielekonsole der Firma Microsoft und erschien in Europa am 2. Dezember 2005.

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My xbox has two red rings

hey guys my xbox is flashing two red lights. a friend said it could just need a clean all the dust etc?? help

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ashley, you should tell us which two:-) Sure, it is possible that it is overheating because of clogged air vents and/or a bad fan. I would most certainly start by cleaning it and reapplying new thermal paste to the processors. Most likely you do have the RROD and should consider to either install this RROD kit or to get the console reballed. Hope this helps, good luck.

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the two on the left ?


Top and bottom left is section 1 and 3 and indicates overheating


my friend opened it up and it was all black and horrible as it had a seriouse overheating problem, he never saw it that bad. could the reason be that the screws were applied too tight?? thanks mate


Which screws are you thinking off?


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It's unlikely that the overheating could be caused by any of the screws being too tight. Usually the two red lights errors are caused by the CPU overheating, the GPU overheater, or cold solder joints on the memory. In your case, it sounds like everything was overheating. Check and make sure your fans are working...if they are not, it will overheat quickly. After you verify that your fans are working, you can try re-flowing the motherboard to see if you can get it working again. Here's a good DIY on how to do that: Reflow der Hauptplatine der Xbox 360 .

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