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The HTC One (codenamed M7) is HTC's 2013 flagship smartphone. It features a seamlessly designed unibody aluminum frame, large dual front-facing speakers, and a 4.7-inch 1080p display.

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Why will my battery not hold a charge?

Using my phone like normal, the past few days has resulted in my battery being dramatically drained. I have to charge my phone a lot more during the day then as usual.

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Have you checked the battery usage history? Sometimes I get a rouge app like Facebook Messenger that eats a large portion of my battery and I have to force stop it. Apps that use location services can be pretty power hungry too.

That being said, if there's nothing suspicious in your battery usage history, it could very well be a battery defect. If that's the case, Jeremy left some pretty good suggestions to resolve it.

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Your battery may not be holding a charge because it could have been by fall or water damage. Any damage to your battery may cause a phone to no longer hold a charge. Also, it could be the charger input or the charger itself is damaged. Check out our troubleshooting page at HTC One M7 Troubleshooting for a detailed description. However, the main things would be check your charger, check your wall outlet, reset the charging logic, or replace the battery.

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Yeah, something might be draining the battery. Try these things.

1) Turn vibration off for notifications as vibrations need more power to get operated

2) Turn off Bluetooth, data and other connectives when not in use

3) Do not charge your phone overnight as it reduces battery life

4) Use cache clearing apps to clean up RAM and background Apps

There are quite number of tips that you can follow.  You can check this link which I found best https://www.pricekart.com/blog/tricks-to...

Suggestion: If your phone battery drains very frequently even after following above tips then it is the time to replace the battery with a new battery. Make sure the new battery is original and branded.

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How do I buy a new battery and how much


My battery is dead now what do I do now?


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