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14.1" personal laptop equipped with Intel Centrino Core 2 Duo, Windows Vista, 1.3 MP internal webcam, and a CD/DVD drive.

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Why is my computer overheating?

My laptop gets very hot to the touch and shuts down. I can also hear the fan struggling during normal operation. Is there anything that I can do to stop this?

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Run a diagnostic test to see if you have a hardware failure. Often a sensor, fan or heat exchanger has failed. Some older machines periodically need the thermal paste cleaned off and new paste applied, or there's a heavy layer of dust built up on components inside the case..

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I agree with the previous answer. To further the information, if a hardware issue is suspected, replacing/cleaning the heatsink fan is not a difficult task. To begin, remove the screw and pry a plastic cover on the bottom of the laptop. You have access to the fan once the plastic cover has been removed. The fan will be free after removing three screws, tape, and disconnecting a cable. At this point you can replace with a new fan or clean it by removing all visible dust. For further disassembly/replacement information, the W350I device troubleshooting page will be helpful.

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