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Mid 2010 Modell A1278 / 2,4 oder 2,66 GHz Core 2 Duo Prozessor

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Are Torx Security bits compatible with non-security bits?

I am looking to upgrade my wife's old Macbook Pro with an SSD, following this guide: MacBook Pro (13 Zoll, Mitte 2010, Unibody) Festplatte Austausch

It says we need a T6 Torx screwdriver. I thought it was weird that the driver kits being sold by iFixIt wouldn't include anything higher than T5 for non-security Torx bits, but then I saw the following on this page: TR6 Torx Security Screwdriver

"Security drilling on this driver makes sure that you won't be stopped by anything, even though this driver still works great in non-security T6 screws as well."

So, can anyone confirm if Torx Security bits are compatible with Torx non-security bits, and does this hold true for all Torx bit sizes?

Precision fixed blade screwdriver engineered by iFixit. Bild


TR6 Torx Security Screwdriver


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The difference between security torx and standard torx is the hole drilled in the center, this allows the driver to slip over the pin located on the security screws. Otherwise they are identical sizes.

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is just the hole the difference? both share the same sizes?


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Of course they are, all it is, is an extra hole.

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