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The NutriBullet by the makers of Magic Bullet is a personal blender that is self-contained and simple to use. It includes an electric blender base with a number of attachments for the user and offers a healthy alternative to blending food by breaking down ingredients in their most nutritious states.

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rubber burning smell from unit and now doesnt work

unit doesnt work something seems to have burnt out

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Gewählte Lösung

Kevin Currivan, If under warranty, return for repair/replacement/refund. If not under warranty use the link below to dismantle the device and check the cord/parts for burns/wear/damage. If the cord is burnt off, cut off the bad section, strip insulation enough to reattach with similar wire nuts. If it is a different part that is damaged you can do a search for Magic Bullet NutriBullet replacement parts. Good luck.

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Magic Bullet NutriBullet Auslöser tauschen

If your NutriBullet blender will not turn on, use the Magic Bullet NutriBullet Won’t Turn On problem page for possible problems and solutions.

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Well, if you are familiar with repairing electric appliances, this is great. For me, not so much. I wish you were my neighbor, LOL


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