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The Motorola Atrix 4G is dual-core Android-powered phone by Motorola. Model Number: MB860.

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What adhesive / glue is best for screen replacement?

I recently shattered the screen of my Motorola Atrix 4G. I purchased replacement screens (yes, multiple) from Global Direct Parts.

It works fine, except I must have pulled most of the adhesive off when pulling out the old screen. The new screen barely sticks down.

I realize standard glue is not appropriate here. What adhesive should be used to stick the new screen down, and where can it be purchased ?

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Global Direct Parts looks like a nice place. Not only do they sell adhesives with their products, they sell a number of Apple parts too. I would recommend what ever you choose to use for an adhesive that you clean the old adhesive off and apply the new evenly. Digitizers work off of pressure and they feel the change in pressure almost as much from the back as they do from the front.


Not an answer but an offer to buy one of those screens from you. My atrix screen cracked yesterday and I've been searching for replacements online. I've seen a few sites that sell them for $50-$60/each but I don't know how reputable they are (durapower, a-list technology).


swimh5 since you know it is not an answer, why not change it to a comment and attach it to the original question?


I have the Droid & I've noticed the glass is lifting. It started on the bottom right side of the phone & is working its way around. Glass not broken & phone works fine. All videos I've found do not show removal of just the glass, they are all showing taking the front part of phone from base. I was going to use Gorilla glue & a toothpick to go around loose edge & hopefully reattach the glass before something bad happens. Could anyone give advice on this? If not a good idea, could someone explain the process of removing the glass only & proper steps to reattach it to phone?

Super tuff phone, dtopped more times than I can remember, even slid off dash of car & onto pavement with no damage. I'm worried that it might break more easily now that it's not secured to the phone.


I'm not sure exactly what Droid you have as here are many, but often it is not possible (or just very difficult) to separate/re-bond the digitizer or outer glass without destroying something. On some Motorola Droid models, the LCD-Digitizer/Glass is a unit construction. Sometimes the "glass" is inserted and glued inside a plastic frame with some 3M type adhesive. But the thing you should be asking yourself is WHY the glass is separating...

As I have encountered some plastic bodied phones such as the iPhone 5C where the outer glass began to mysteriously pull apart from the plastic bezel b/c the chassis it was mounted to became distorted slightly somehow (repeated back pocket squash?) And, given it sounds like your phone has suffered several intense drops/shocks over its lifetime, it could be that the thing the glass is supposed to be attached to is no longer flat. And if that is the case, then any "re-bonding" repair obviously isn't going to last very long. I hope this helps,


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Yohotown is an eBay store that sells 2mm double-sided tape for this purpose:


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+ most adhesives you get with screens are just fancy double sided tape, not a glue as most people expect. I wouldn't recommend a superglue as jonjordan has for going anywhere near my digitiser etc.. if it fails again how on earth are you going to remove that??


+ looks like nice stuff, made by 3m, I just ordered 1 to try it out. Good price on a 50m roll too.


+ that is The Right Stuff


I know this is super old, but if anybody new sees this these are what want to use. 2mm or 4mm electronic tape. If it doesn't hold like some have said use B-7000 adhesive that's for cellphones and tablets. All these other options people are giving are a joke.


== 3M Adhesive Tape from a Phone Parts/Repair Supplier==

This is the only option and is available in many sizes. The glass touchscreen on majority of phones/tablets do not come in direct contact with the actual LCD, it is connected via ribbon connector.

Most replacement touchscreens have this already cut to size/shape and applied but some do not and must be purchased separately.

Samsung, many iPhones and few other brands do have the touchscreen adhered directly to the LCD.

For Samsung phones you have to use a UV activated liquid adhesive but it must dry crystal clear and you do need to purchase a UV light to activate the glue.

I have no idea what type of adhesive Apple products use but I am sure it would cost a lot and you probably will need a vacuum type screen seperator machine.

It might just make more sense to have a reputable and professional repair place do this for you.

If your device is cost effective to repair, you are familiar with delicate electronics and have patience then I would try it but you have to purchase screen repair tools from someplace such as eBay that sells these sets for cheap.

Either way you have to do a fair amount of research before you begin, otherwise it will be nothing but a waste of time and money.


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Hi, Roger. If you don't have the specific adhesive strips for your phone, 3M double-sided adhesive tape is your best option. You can cut the tape to length to match your phone. The rolls that iFixit sells provide enough adhesive for about one hundred screens. As others have mentioned, be sure to remove the existing adhesive before applying the new adhesive strips. You can use iFixit's adhesive removal kit or your preferred brand of adhesive remover.

Pre-soaked pads for removing nasty adhesive residue. Bild


Adhesive Cleanup Kit (Set of 12)


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hi ron.i have ulefone paris and now that there is a helpful video to replace the screen the only question is what kind of glue if i use a glue or using the adhesive strips that you proposed...in the video it seems that there is a glue so i want your advise.thanks for your time..



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i used clear silicone

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Same here, black silicon.


I use 2 part countertop epoxy


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The best glue to re-adhear just a corner or side of your screen is two part expoxy (Alraldite) the quck 5 min set one is the only one to use.

I do phone repairs and use this reguarly. Its the best method available for lack of something better.

Ultimatly removing the screen, removing all the old adhessive and reapplying the proper manufactured adhessive gasket cut sheet is best,

But for a quick job that works well use Alraldite.

Mix and apply with a tooth pick and use sparingly.

Using Aralidite the screen can still be easilly removed in the future if it requires replacing.

Note:Superglue is not recommended for use adhearing glass. (The instructions will state that) Its a bad choice. Also super glue will break apart from one minor drop.

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I have a Galaxy 5 I shattered a corner of the sceen, took it in for repair, got it back and all seemed fine for about 2 weeks, then screen would not work, took it back again, they supposedly fixed it, same thing, took it back a third time, now same thing. When I take the back off and remove the battery there is a oily substance, I wipe it out, it comes again in a couple hours. My screen is not working, any suggestions, aside from taking it back a fourth time?


@collene that is optical adhesive and it only dries with UV light. It keeps coming out because they put too much. What's eventually going to happen is that it will get into every part of your motherboard, front camera, mic holes, etc. Get a real company to do the job. They might charge extra because they are going to have a mess to clean up.


Thank you for &&^&^$^ me sir, my screen now has a patch. However the screen is fixed permanently.


Superglue. ..really bad idea...


I wouldnt worry about the superglue sticking to the metal (for the people who say it would be tough to remove if you had to replace it again).

I would me more concerned thar 1. it wont hold at all, or will give way after getting bumped a few times, or 2. that the super glue could spill over past the edge of the glass when you set the new digitizer in place, causing it to show. 3. unless you put glue arround the entire frame, dust will still get in very easily.


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i found the 3m adhesive for the atrix here for $4.95


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I used superglue on my phone. you don't have to worry about never getting it back off if you need to get into the phone. you need to worry about the screen not staying in. I sat my phone on the table and the glass slide off of the phone!


I wouldn't recommend superglue. I shattered the screen to my lg nitro and used super glue. I sat my phone on the table and I seen a gap on my phone screen I picked up my phone and the screen fell out.

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Are you kidding me superglue????????? I think that phone repair people should be state certified myself included lets watch a youtube video and "become a pro" remember the right tool for the right job people... I mean come on silicon we arent waterproofing a bathtub and superglue we arent in craft class hotglue we aint doing projects at the old folks home 2mm double sided tape if there isn't a adhesive kit for the phone


LIKE! Oops, wrong site (-;


thank you for being alive


Well unknowingly I tried to put in a new est USB port in my Android Alcatel 5032. I found on this site that the replacement boards are obsolete. I wasn't aware that they weren't soldered down. But I tried to solder it. And ended up with a disastrous mess. Now I have to order two more and use glue. I'm going to try the double sided tape if that don't work I'm going to use a proxy glue. I'm sure I used the wrong word but I know what I'm looking for. Good luck to all.


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If you go on Amazon .ca they sell a 2mm wide double sided tape for cell phone screens or you can probably get also from Amazon.com

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Mouse over image to zoom

2MM Sticky Tape-Glue-Double Side Sticker Adhesive For Phone Touch Screens

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Use B7000 adhesive for phones

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I purchased B-7000 on the recommendation from a youtuber who was replacing a screen/digitizer/lcd of a LG Aristo. He used it so I bought some from amazon and tried it. So far so good. I did have double sided 3M tape that I tried to use but I think my tape is to old or the surface of the LCD was not porous enough because the LCD kept failing off. Since I removed the tape and added the glue I have not had any issues.


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Where do you get the primer? It did not come in the Ifixt kit with the tape and therefore the tape is useless. I've watched countless videos and none of them mentioned primer. I've repaired 4 phones and the tape didn't work on any of them, even redoing them several times.

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B7000 will glue your screen to the case very well it can also be taken back apart if other repairs may be needed most of these people have never replaced a screen before and many of these answers will damage the phone and it will be unrepairable once its glued with a lot of their answers and tape is really not that great its hard to get into corners and make the phone completely water proof your can use tooth picks if need be in smaller areas i use small wooden dowels shaved down to do most work hat away i can shave the glue off and have a fresh surface to repair with again

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why not using 'hot glue' from a hot glue gun; you can purchase this for less than 10 bucks from amazon or your local walmart store

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and what happens when your phone gets hot?


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what about uv glue has anyone tried that it supposed to be for the phone glass

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Yes!!! Finally someone mentions the correct answer "LOCA GLUE PLUS DOUBLE SIDED ADHESIVE TAPE." IS LITERALLY THE ONLY AND CORRECT WAY TO DO THIS... ALL THE OTHER THINGS PEOPLE ABOVE HAD SAID LIKE HOT GLUE, TAPE, ELMER GLUE.. THOSE R ALL DUMB @%^ ANSWERS LIKE COME ON REALLY... if u have done one cell phone screen replacement then u done them all... they r all basically the same. Just be patient. And I do not recommend a person doing their first screen replacement to use loca glue..


Zack ybarra..I am doing my 2nd repair. 1st time I used double sided adhesive but deal wasn't good. What do u recommend I use this time If not loca?


Loca Or UV glue must be cured by uv light exposure. So If u plan on bonding a new digitizer to the frame with this it will not work.


it works if you cure it with a UV light like intended


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Hi guys .I many phones before and I wasn't satisfied with them all . I used the double sided tape and B.7000 and B.,6000 and loca glue and super glue . Tell me if you used another one ? And is it really working like the one the company used ?

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Hello, I use Tesa double side tape, it is the best tape in my opinion. Also before applying the tape, I use 3M primer on the surface. If you need additional glue force you can put a little dot’s of B7000 glue, but this is optional.

Custom cut rolls of Tesa 61395 double-sided tape for repair. Bild


Tesa 61395 Tape


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Just search on ebay (you heve link in my previous post) the primer will take off the resin of previous glue. Main problem is that people dont follow the glue process. You need to clean the sutface, then use isoprophyl alc. to clean. Then use 3M primer and without touching the surface with hands apply tape. After that put lcd and put clamps and let sit dor 6-12hrs

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Hello Damir, is there any way to contact you other than here? thanks


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