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Repair guides and troubleshooting for the 40in LCD TV with model number LA40R81BD or LA40R81BDX. This television was released in early 2007.

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Samsung TV not turning on

Hi, wondering if anyone might be able help.

i have a Samsung series 4 plasma tv, quite old now I guess around 10 years. When turned on the normal red light appears which shows it’s recieving a signal from the remote controller.

but the Tv does not start, there is a clicking sound like it’s going through the motions and that sound keeps repeating but it does not start.

i’m not even sure if parts can be found or indeed if it’s cost effective to try and mend…any thoughts greatly appreciate.

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@toby1russell you will have to to take the back off your TV. Take a look at all the boards and check for obvious damage. Bilder zu einer vorhandenen Frage hinzufügen Post some good pictures of all of your boards with your question so that we can see what you see. You'll need a multimeter to measure some parts once we can see your boards.


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Impossible to say what’s wrong, but bad electrolytic capacitors are a common problem, are cheap to replace, and not hard with basic soldering skills. First search the web for a disassembly guide or video, and if you can’t find one, just remove screws from the back until it comes off. (Make a note of where they come from if there are several sizes). Bad caps are often easily spotted if they have domed tops or showing signs of leakage, but they may still be bad if they look good. Take a look at https://wiki.restarters.net/Basic_electr... for more details.

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Hiya, that's really helpful, thank you, I'll give it a go and see what happens.

Thanks again.


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