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The DualShock 4 CUH-ZCT2 was announced in 2016 to replace the CUH-ZCT1 controller released in 2013. This controller is similar to the previous model.

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Controller won't turn on

I kept charging my ps4 controller as it’s battery was low but after many hours of charging still controller was not turning on what is the solution???

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Buy a PS4 battery and replace it. Very very easy.

DualShock 4 (CUH-ZCT1U) Akku tauschen

Guide to fix it. 5 short simple steps.


That link is to buy an replacement. Overall cheap but I think it should be cheaper. About 10$

They are all over the internet though, feel free to search another up.

Do those steps and it should fix your controller bud! Just sounds like an battery issue.

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Maybe it could be the battery malfunctioning or there was a short circuit within your controller. It best if you get that check out

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