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Where can I find an ISO for this machine?

I got this machine from a neghibor who is moving and did not want it since he only deals in newer Macs. I don’t know the specs but I did peek to check out the capacitors on the boards since I know this is an issue and while it was noted, I wanted to make sure before applying power. It booted up and it might be the only G5 iMac I know of that hasn’t killed the capacitors yet :-). It’s no collectors machine because it has a cracked front panel, but I don’t exactly care at the price of get this thing out of my house.

Anyway, the machine was wiped by the previous owner and he never fixed that, so I need to find a copy of OS X 10.3 or 10.4, depending on what’s more appropriate. I’d like to use it for older applications and Mac OS9 Classic mode since the PPC Macs are mostly useless for anything else. However, I can’t find an image that’s not in .DMG, which I cannot handle. I tried Macintosh Repository (donation block), Macintosh Garden (useless) and winworldPC (10.3 CD maximum; I literally think I have this in my CD case). I’d like to install 10.4 and nearly max it out OS wise, within reason (Not an owner of DL DVD media).

Where can I find an ISO for this machine that I can handle on my PC? I’m not at a loss but I’m desperate for anything. Delete this if it constitutes piracy; I’ll understand.

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10.4.11 was the last operating system that allowed classic mode. For a straight boot from OS 9, the last machine to do it was the 2003 Power Mac G4 1.25.

Your best shot will be to find a Retail version Tiger 10.4 of the install DVD on eBay.

Look on the bottom of the stand and tell us exactly which one it is.

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It looks like it was upgraded to 2GB of RAM (2nd module says 1G). Beyond RAM, I didn't look too far since I was worried about the capacitor issue and getting an OS on it. I'm not sure about the hard drive, but it boots into 10.5 (Unknown version) and it's password protected (It looked wiped to me since it's been years and years of a knowledge gap on this PPC stuff). The Single User break-in is out; I'd rather start fresh so I know with 100% certainty what I'm dealing with.

It looked like a 17" to me initially. Oops. It also has the newer Airport card that's not on the notebook style card.

20"/2GHz/1GB/250GB/SUPER/56K/BT/AP. I wasn't entirely sure where it was on the G5's is all.


What's the EMC number on the bottom of the stand. The password on these can be changed using the Change Password Utility on either the 10.4 or 10.5 Retail DVD.


EMC is 2056. Mine is open firmware rather than EFI, so it's PPC.


Apple iMac G5/2.0 20-Inch (ALS) Specs

Identifiers: Ambient Light Sensor - M9845LL/A - PowerMac8,2 - A1076 - 2056


RAM Type: PC3200 DDR Min. RAM Speed: 400 MHz

Details: Supports 400 MHz PC3200 DDR SDRAM. If installing RAM in both slots, use matching memory for best performance.

Standard RAM: 512 MB Maximum RAM: 2 GB

Pre-Installed MacOS: X 10.4 (8A428) Maximum MacOS: X 10.5.8



Is this the last G5 iMac Apple ever released? I thought it was going to be a common 2004 G5 rather than the 2005 ones.

It's a mixed pair - Micron (factory)/Crucial(upgrade). Hopefully, it behaves since that can be troublesome.


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