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Drahtloser Kontroller für die Xbox 360

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Spilled Juice On Xbox 360

Spilled juice on the controller. It was working at first but then the lights on where the x is at in the middle of the controller faded and it just died so now the juice is dried and I don`t know what to do

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this guide will help you to get to the internal parts. Use this guide to help you clean it out. Orange juice has citric acid in it and will be gobbling away at all the parts. I'd check out the battery pack too..make sure your batteries aren't bulging/leaking etc, make sure the contacts are clean etc.

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I'm 10 but my controller got put in the washer and the light turned no but it will not work on the tv. What do I do?


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i spilt juice on my xbox 360 controller and i left it for about 7 or 9 months and i dont know what to do can some one help. but some one told me to dip it in water then dry it but im not shure pls pls pleassssssssssssssssssssssss help some one

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stewie, did you check the two guides that are listed in the above answer? Those will show you how to clean it.


unscrew the cover and place it in a fixed clean controller and leave the black parts of the bottom old controller out and get the new one and rescrew it in to the fixed one! hope this awnser helps you! :)


I need help .y mom had my controller and said some how water got in it but I cleaned it out and it worked for a while but now it doesn't


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If it is dry, then unscrew it and check which part it dried on

Then, remove the part carefully and scrape the juice off very carefully with a tooth pick

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Ryan Ckit, and how to clean the corrosion caused by the citric acid?


Never thought about that


It is great to see that you are really trying to answer and to help out. Welcome to ifixit:-) What is important is, that you think about every aspect of your answers. A lot of folks on here are looking for viable answers to repair their equipment, and will judge your credibility by the answers you provide.


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bit late still dont worry its simple as potato , frist disassemble it as shown in first link where useful and just clen it up all cricut board and then make it dry and reassemble it agine whole u done the controller new even i felt my controller bit clean after this

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