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Am 20. September 2019 veröffentlichte Apple dieses neue Flaggschiff Smartphone als Nachfolger des iPhone XS. Es verfügt über ein 5,8" OLED-Display, eine Rückkamera mit drei Linsen und eine deutlich verbesserte Akkulaufzeit.

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Face ID not working after screen replacement

Let me give you some context here so you can get the whole picture.

My phone feel from a 6th floor into the elevator hole (yes, I had very very bad luck). Screen broke, back cover broke and even the frame was a little displaced. But the phone worked perfectly. I was able to use it normally, even take pictures and take phone calls.

My phone had warranty so I took it to a officially authorized and certificated Apple repair site. Unluckily, they told me that, as the frame was broken, they were not able to repair it. Just Apple policies.

So I had an iPhone 11 Pro that was working but Apple just won’t fix it (or at least try). My online choice was to look for a place that can fix my phone, even if it was not Apple authorized. It took time, but I found it. They fixed my phone and it works like a new phone, except for Face ID. I’m getting a message saying “Face ID is not available”.  So, I took it back to the guys who fixed it but they couldn’t do anything about it. 

With little hope left, I went where everyone with a problem with no easy solution go: to the internet. I found that Face ID parts are linked with some kind of ID to the original display of the phone. But the guys who repaired it told me that they tried with the old display and it still will not work.

So here is my question: Is there a way to fix Face ID? Let’s say I get hands on a new Face ID module. Will it work with this display? 

I will be traveling to the US (if COVID let’s me) on October. So I’m willing to get the replacement parts and kit from you if they’re available.

Thanks in advance!

Juan Cruz

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Gewählte Lösung

With Face ID on the iPhone you will have to have the original Face ID components from your original display. It is not uncommon for some repair shops to damage these components when they are transferring them to the new display as they are fairly easy to damage if you are not being careful.

So if they didn’t transfer the original Face ID components from your display, or if they were damaged when it was replaced then it won’t be possible to get Face ID back on your phone to my knowledge. This is because those parts are paired to your logic board on the phone, the only way to get it back would be potentially repairing the original Face ID components and there are not many places that would be able to do this.

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Great! Thanks for your response. So probably what happened is that Face ID got damages somewhere in between the fall and the repair process. Thank you a lot for the answer!


@Juan Cruz Plaza No problem!


Also, if you still have the original Face ID module, thank you can copy the serial code from the original part, possibly restoring Face ID function.


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Face ID must be fixed with original sensors, replacement will not work.

You can try to find out what went wrong with the sensors and the motherboard, in-place repair only, no replacements.

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Face ID parts are complicated and difficult to repair. To fully understand Face ID, you can check below.

Warum Face ID nach einer Reparatur nicht funktioniert

And for a detailed repair process, you need to pinpoint the faulty component first. Whether the flex cable has been ripped-off or relevant component has missing. Hope the following repair guide can help you somehow.

Face ID Not Available because of a missing component on the motherboard:

Reparatur iPhone 11 Pro Max "Face ID nicht verfügbar" - Motherboard Reparatur

iPhone X Bild


Warum Face ID nach einer Reparatur nicht funktioniert



iPhone 11 Pro Max Bild


Reparatur iPhone 11 Pro Max "Face ID nicht verfügbar" - Motherboard Reparatur



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honestly they probably tore the cable, i have people come into my shop all the time because somebody from another shop tore the cable and i tell them its not fixable.

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It can be fixed actually pretty easy. I bet that the true tone isn’t working either.

In order to avoid the problem, the technician should be able to copy the chip ID of the old display and transferred to the new display via a programmer computer. Type in google images “truetone fix”, and you will see it. Same programmer you can use it for camera replacing, battery and other things, by doing the exactly same thing.

Another thing is that the service should use only the OEM OLED displays that have the truetone chip builtin.

Be careful these days as many services are hiring 2nd hand technicians, and they would lie to you, and mount just an regular LCD display.

Your welcome,

just an old school technician

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It is not Woking


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same here. I attempted to fix an iPhone 4S back in 2020 but I lost the charger for it

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