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An affordable mid range laptop sold by Acer in mid 2015. This laptop comes with a Nvidia 940m graphics card, Intel i5-5200U CPU, and a 1080p display.

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Replacing HDD with SSD and adding HDD via Caddy

Good evening. I recently bought an SSD. I wanted to replace my old HDD on my notebook with this SSD, but at the same time I wanted to use the HDD by adding it via Caddy (adapter that replaces the dvd player with a disk). Any suggestions on how to operate?

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Take out the HDD:

Acer Aspire E5-573G Hard Drive Replacement

Put new SSD in its place.

Remove Optical/DVD drive or the dummy:

Acer Aspire E5-573G Optical Drive Replacement

Fit HHD to caddy and slide into optical drive space.

Clone the HDD to the SSD - SSD manufacture website will usually have free cloning software.

Test booting from SSD once cloned. If good format the HDD and you wave extra storage spce.

Acer Aspire E5-573G Optical Drive Bild


Acer Aspire E5-573G Optical Drive Replacement


Sehr einfach

30 seconds - 1 minute

Acer Aspire E5-573G Hard Drive Bild


Acer Aspire E5-573G Hard Drive Replacement



10 - 30 minutes

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