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Reparaturanleitungen, Demontage und Informationen zur Fehlerdiagnose für den Sony PlayStation 5 DualSense-Controller der ersten Generation, Nachfolger der DualShock-Serie. Identifiziert durch die Modellnummer CFI-ZCT1W und das Motherboard-Modell BDM-010.

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PS5 Dualsense Controller - Faulty 3.5mm Headphone Port

I’m running a split Headphone/USB Microphone setup (Audio Technica ATH M50X headphones, RODE NT MINI USB Microphone) and recently my headphone port has begun disconnecting on my Dualsense controller. It happens when I either rotate the jack inside the port, or if I lightly pull on the jack too (a good example of this is shown in this video as to how loose it is: ''https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXyNlGFt...). This is a slight annoyance considering I have to then disconnect everything and reset it all up again.

Has anyone dealt with any similar headphone port issues/replacements?

Thank you!


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I have just removed the jack from my own remote, it is surprisingly more simple than it looks.


However it is surrounded by micro components right next to it, if you de solder the 4 pins on the edge, the other 3 on each side just push into the plastic assembly, they aren’t secured together. Just gently pull it up after you get the front 4 off and then de solder the pins. Clean it up, and you’re ready for a new one.


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It happens when I either rotate the jack inside the port, or if I lightly pull on the jack too

This has happen in my laptop charger port, the best bet is get a new cable and check the port by a technician.

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Unfortunately I've tried multiple sets of headphones with no difference whatsoever and the headphones I'm using work fine in other devices with no issues with connectivity. I'm going to try to return the controller through the retailer I bought it through, however as shown in the video, it seems to be a consistent issue across many controllers. Will keep this post updated with any progression!

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I guess the headphone jack is NOT available as a spare part from Sony

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Mobilesentrix offers them for a few bucks


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Any update on this issue?

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Absolutely nothing :(

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I have a problem with one of my ps5 controllers where i would plugg in my headphones and the sound from my head set had sounded like static noise so i tried another controller didn’t have that issue my controller model is cfi- zct1w

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